Good day, Does anyone have a pic of the interior fuse box, with the cover off, by the driver's side? I'm looking to hardware my dash camera and would like to know ahead of time if there is a vacant 15amp spot. 2018 Prius. Big thanks!
Making progress but still need a little assistance from the forum. A friend helped me locate and get a few pics of the interior fuse box, I've added them here. I 'm planning to plug the 15amp fuse into one of the existing slots and just have 3 questions: Q: Does anyone know which side of the fuses is the hot side? Q: Does the empty slots have any voltage, a 15 or 20amp? Q: By plugging the dash cam fuse in, to lets say, the rear wiper, will the rear wiper still work? Thanks chat!
You need to use a 12v test lamp to check the your first two questions (clip to ground) and the third question, if you plug the dash cam fuse into wiper slot the fuse is likely to blow if you have the dash cam and the rear wiper on at the same time. Test Lamp by kithmo posted Jan 16, 2020 at 12:05 PM
If I have a Two Eco and no rear wiper, I suspect the slot is still there and empty, would it still have power to that port of the panel? and if so, could I just wire to the back of the panel so it looks factor instead of the double fuse plug things the cam came with?