I am going to install a backup camera. Wondering if anyone could help me locate the reverse backup Wire in the hatch. Location, color, etc? I want to hook the camera wire to this reverse wire. My camera is 12V. Thanks much for your help.
Reverse Wire or Backup Light Wire or whichever that works when you gear to R and camera is on... Anyone knows about this wire?
If its like the Gen II at all there's a harness installed in the hatch waiting for the camera to plug into. Because the camera harness is part of the hatch electronics/lights harness so they are forced to run that camera harness. At least on the Gen II. On the Gen II the connector is located right after the rubber bellows that all the wires go into the hatch at the seam by the hinges. Pull the inside hatch cover off to expose that area and see if there's an empty connector. Will be 4 pin. B+ Ground Vid in to mfd Vid shield. The mfd receives the reverse signal and then inputs the camera video from that connector. At the very least you could use that harness to get from back to front for an aftermarket.
Pics please of what you find. Thanks. If you find an empty 4 pin that's it. It may not have 12 volts on it all the time. If it does not to test have someone sit in the car and put the car in reverse and see if you then can find switched 12 there. If so that tells me the system is intact and ready to go and is just looking for camera video in reverse. If no 12 volts there in reverse it may be missing a relay called BU that switches 12 volts in reverse to the mfd to tell the mfd the car is in reverse. Does it say anything on the mfd when in reverse like lookout for objects behind you? If so that means that relay is installed and I believe the system is ready to go just does not have the camera installed. Good luck!
I found the wire on the left side in the hatch. Connect brown wire for + and black/white for -. Brown wire is the backup light wire.
The back up relay is in the fuse box under hood driver side next to Inverter. Then it feeds junction connector J10 on pass side next to the fender about knee high right below plastic valance behind the carpet. From there it feeds junction connector j36 12 position connector which is at the 4 o'clock position if your looking at the relay/fuse board next to the drivers left knee. This is the back up relay 12 volts on its way to pin 23 of M13 Multi Display. J10: Red wire in red wire out J36: Black wire in Pink wire out on its way to pin 23 of MFD
i just ran the wire from the drivers side reverse light. didnt even use that much wire either. maybe about 4-5 feet of wire was used to run it from the tail light connector to the drivers kick panel area.
It appears the user your asking the question of has not been seen here for 5 years & 4 weeks. So mostly likely I'd say your not going to get a reply. lol As for that backup camera. I've read a few threads here and you probably need to see what voltage your camera requires. Some are 12v, but OEM style are apparently 6v. If your needing 6v (if I remember this correctly), people find that coming out of the back of the radio.
@dubit Hi , Thanks for letting me know I am newbie here . I don't have any problem with feeder as i already installed the converter to change the voltage to 6v for my camera but the only problem is i cant connect it to the rear light as it is all long way so i need a shortest route . Can u help ?