I'm on a very long road trip from Texas to California and the speed limits in texas is 80mph. That's smart crazy (70 mph max on the 5 freeway going to SF.) I thought until found out this state is extra long, flat and super boring. Needless to say I was passing up some annoying cars on the road and found myself at 103mph with Thule box and both back seats and trunk to the max camping gear I estimate 1000lbs with 2 people and gear. So just keeping up with traffic in these big fast states my mph went down to 28-30mpg just at 80mph. I also put in helper springs lift in the rear before my 3000 trip and they worked great. SM-J737T1 ?
Very recently I ran 103 in my ‘07 Prius. It had probably about 330,000 miles on it at the time. It’s a Touring, so it felt pretty well planted, still. AND that’s up a slight incline. iPhone ?
Going that speed with that monstrosity on the roof took big brass ones. Sounds like it was a fun trip. I'm surprised you weren't floating around like a napkin in the wind.........
I think with that stuff on the roof, there isn't a way that the MPG won't suffer. I that impacts on the aerodynamics of the vehicle too! Don't know its weight though.
I do not think anybody ever criticized Priuses for not being able to GO fast. I think that they were being criticized for not being WILLING to go fast..... Glad you had a good trip!
Interesting. Cruising at 100MPH... I am interested in what fuel mileage the Prius returned vs. usually 65 MPH cruising. As for driving fast I think the gear box is the biggest limitation, weak acceleration gear changes and lack of downshift ability. And then there is braking and corners. LOL.
I have to say I think it's a little bit of both. Both that Prius drivers are "putting" along trying to save every drop of gas possible AND also that a Prius is purpose designed to constantly behave like it's heading for Church, with a 3 hour head start. With my Prius ignorant friends? The two myths I had to most often confront were ridiculous ideas about the lifespan and cost of Hybrid Batteries and secondly, the performance of the Prius itself.
So the extra weight kept the car planted at high speeds and the "helper lift spring kit" kept the springs from compressing on heavy loads. No bounce and complete stiff support. I highly recommend helper lift springs to anyone who haul heavy stuff like cases of water or even 4 to 5 people at a time. I've attached a photo before and after. Also the cost was only $12 for two at autozone. SM-J737T1 ?
Downshift? Gear changes? How would these be in any way relevant with a Prius HSD? Without any mechanical gear changing whatsoever, the eCVT covers all possible 'gear' ratios from zero to infinity. Engine power and electric power conversion and handling capacities should be the only issues here.
I have towed bikes, gear and trailers for many years and hauling heavy loads in cars and trucks you come to realize in all case the safety and stability in any vehicle comes with correct height of the rear springs needs to be adjust properly when adding weight and towing. So knowing in advance I was going to haul lots of gear I installed helper lift spring made the world of difference. Honestly an hour of work and $12 for parts has made my Prius safer on the road, I would highly recommend this mod for all Prius drivers who haul any heavy load like 4 people in the car. That's why fully loaded and at 103mph the car was very stable and predictable. No floating or bouncing just very firm and controlled. SM-J737T1 ?
Well, you kinda can’t. Forgive my lack of reference, but I was told that when you put the pedal into the carpet (mine is worn out under my accelerator pedal), the computer, via fly-by-wire, takes the engine to maximum POWER RPM, NOT redline RPM. Because the Prius has a CVT that is also computer controlled, it is able to up shift continuously while keeping the engine at max POWER. There is never any need to take it beyond that RPM and approach redline. iPhone ?
I was speaking in jest. But yes you are right. With the exception of steering control and mechanical brakes, the Prius is basically a "drive by wire" vehicle. I suppose that's why the Prius doesn't have a tac.