I just got a Gen 3 Prius and need a second fob. On my old gen 2, I didn’t need a techstream to program the new fob and only had to go through a sequence in the car (holding a button, turning lights on, etc). Is that possible with the Gen 3, or only the Gen 2?
Only way. And I mean only way. Because I do key programming all the time. 1- Brand new fob (never used) You can do the chicken dance. Which is what you mean by the random steps etc. 2- virginized fob. It’s a used fob which is cleared of its programming. Most car lock smiths have the equipment to do it. Techstream doesn’t do it. 3 - Wipe all fobs on car (existing and new) Reseed process and have vehicle programmed with all fobs at that time.
Does the chicken dance work on new unused fobs for the generation III Prius? And is there full functionality?