Wondering if this needs to be reprogrammed when replaced and how to do so. The only one that has failed is drivers side. The part that would be getting replaced is 89991-47030. Thank you
This thing -- is it inside the door? Though I don't actually know the answer, I'd be surprised if any programming was in this part. The ID codes should be registered in the key fobs, and in a central ECU elsewhere in the car where it communicates with the several 'key oscillators' around the car -- driver side, passenger side, and hatch for the cars that detect SKS at all three locations.
Good day, I am having a problem with my smart key, new battery, and have 2 working key fobs, the drivers door does not recognize them, passenger works normally, car starts normally, hatch opens normally with both fobs, only drivers door ignores the fobs?? I guess replace this part, the oscillator?? Is this hard to get to? Remove the door panel? I have not found any directions? Thank you for any help. Richard
There are several such oscillators placed all around the car, and they are also not the only parts of the smart key system. There probably isn't any faster way to solve your problem than to turn to the right section in the repair manual (more info), turn to the corresponding section, roll up the sleeves, and start with the suggested sequence of tests.