Yes, potential short losses are theoretically unlimited. I had believed that it is common for losses on losing bets to exceed the original investment. And that certain squeezes were built not just to make lots of money, but also to bankrupt some competing speculators.
What a delicious problem: Keep TSLA - the SHORT squeeze will become more severe at the end of Q1 Buy gold - war works ... my choice USA oil/fossil fuels - war works ... UGH! TSLA stock is still artificially high in part due to the SHORT squeeze. I expect it to go higher but there is a nasty 'hook' at the end. I've got a PUT at over $500 more as profit taking and SHORT spanking. Geo-political events suggests the world is headed for a bad time for Arabian oil producers. This will increase the prices for other suppliers ... until cooler heads prevail ... if any can be found. As a resource becomes scarce, the prices tend to fluctuate severely but I'm not the least bit tempted. Gold remains a solid hedge in uncertain times. The Canadian mining company has gone up 44/32 ~= 137% since converted to TSLA. Not a great rate but better than some. Regardless, returning to diversified holding makes sense. Bob Wilson
The shorts have already paid dearly: $8.4 Billion in 7 months: Tesla short sellers have lost $8 billion
That's the old days. Tons of companies have very high stock prices now. Irrelevant since many brokerages let you buy fractional shares anyway.
It should split just for the psychological value alone. Would climb even higher on the news. Apple did that not too long ago.
Called stock diversification: Sold 10% of TSLA at $420 (mostly to stick it to the SEC) Sold second 10% TSLA at $462 (mostly to stick it to SHORTs) Bought gold mining shares at $45 It is nice to take profits and put them in a safe place. Actually gold mining is a growth industry while 'wag the dog' is going on. On an aside, I have no idea if or when TSLA will hit a local peak (if ever.) You can't underestimate the poor judgment of traditional car makers, car reviewers, and more vociferous stock 'anal-ists'. Regardless, by hook or crook, I've not lost any money with my TSLA investment. I can afford to take profits now reducing my TSLA exposure to 50% of what I started with. I'll just snipe away as the stock continues its upward movement. But I'll probably hold at ~$500 or 50% of initial investment until the SHORT holding fall to less than ~10% of the total. I don't mind taking a chance in a fair market but SHORTs are not. I won't be buying TSLA once the price goes below a local peak. That just temps the SHORTs to come back and play their silly games. Bob Wilson
The upward price is due not to the news as much as the SHORTs trying to minimize their losses. There will be a local peak around the time the SHORT position reaches about 10%. Then this artificial price pressure will almost evaporate back to something closer to a true value that Elon gave a clue, $420, which means a range ~$400 to $440. NOTE: This not investment advice but how my 70 old brain works. Bob Wilson
i'm buying on the next major dip, if there is one. i have been looking for an excuse to get out of facebook
Calm my friend as a stable TSLA price won't have the volatility that made my early profits relatively easy. In one respect, the SHORTs spreading FUD talked the stock down enough I could enjoy an easy win. I am keeping my 50% position for long term gains and that is what I'd recommend. Buy only long-term funds and wait 3-5 years. Bob Wilson
that's my intent. facebook isn't a dividend stock, so this will be similar. with tesla actions in china and germany, it is beginning to look like just the beginning
~180 Starlink satellites, moving to making money from space, not just launches definitive crew Dragon abort-in-flight test in a week (Boeing hasn't done anything like it.) SpaceX starship pressure test success +1,000 Teslas per week from the Shanghai factory may have a new offspring to join his five sons SHORTS are getting spanked Tesla competition have turned out to be toothless (and 'inaccurate') SpaceX competition have turned out to be expensive and slow Bob Wilson