Just because it’s available for reverse, doesn’t mean it’s available for Braking. I am not a tech, but there are two answers imo. The reverse beep is either a sensor that is activated when the car is put in reverse or the computer makes the beep. Since the beep can be turned off, I’m betting it’s software based. So if it is software, the code could be written to activate the beep with B, but doesn’t seem to be a popular option for Toyota or dedicated programmer to write the code and flash the computer So as of right now, there isnt a piece of software that allows you to do what your asking. -Spiral
And with an attitude like yours good luck getting anyone to help you. You get back what you give out. ASRDogman gave a simple (and lets not forget correct) answer, and you go whining like a child who isn't getting things their way. Why would someone want to have the reverse beep in B mode? They wouldn't. Thus whoever designed the ECU/BCU would not have made such an option available in the programming. You're not asking "where is the switch to turn this on" you're asking "how do I tear out this wall to get to the wiring and cross these two wires then add a switch so I can turn this on".
Actually, there have been people who have helped me. The ones who actually know (on a separate question I posted) or who don't come to this forum to be nasty (look at the polite response above of spiralhelix). I asked a question if a software tweak is available. This hostility and response borders on the psychotic. Who on earth is talking about tearing down walls? Seriously.
Lol. It was a metaphor. Terrible. Again you're not asking "where is the switch to turn this on" you're asking "how do I tear out this wall to get to the wiring and cross these two wires then add a switch so I can turn this on". As in there is no "switch" for what you're asking, if you want it then you'll have to do the hard work and hours to reverse engineer the system. No one else will do it because it's pointless if you use B mode correctly. B mode is only for long downhill grades to prevent excess wear to the brakes. I already have to deal with idiots doing 90 downhill darting between lanes, watch the tractor trailers around me because they are the most dangerous if they get cut off by one of them on this hill, and here I am trying to keep it reasonable at 75-80 while monitoring all this, I don't want the darn car beeping at me on top of it. The car beeps when something important happens that needs your attention ASAP. Seatbelt unbuckled, door opened, low oil pressure, etc. If it's busy beeping at me for something that is normal, like being in B mode, I won't notice when my wife's seatbelt is unbuckled, passenger door is opened, and the trucker next to me on this downhill stretch snatches her out. Now I gotta find a new wife. I read your other thread asking about this and it was both funny and sad. Multiple people have given you the same answer, you respond with sass, so then they get to have fun and give sass back.
There was no sass in my question. There was a question, to which at least some reasonable people without serious anger issues responded with direct, to the point, and informative answers or guesses. And then there are the people who want to rant and be rude. I respond appropriately. In case it was not clear to you, even if such a feature existed, you would not be obligated to use it, so the tirade above is rather bizarre. Plus, I asked for a software tweak, so again, the "metaphor" was as inaccurate as the previous responses. The only appropriate response to my question was from someone who knows the software. Confused tirades about the purposes of B, as I got on the other thread, were just opportunities from people wanting to vent. Using the B mode, as you say, is for specific purposes, and there is no reminder if you end up using it when it is not required. All the lectures I received go against the manual that says clearly it should not be used for long. Toyota gives us buzzers even for things that annoy us and some people remove (like the reverse). The universe still exists. If you disagree about this, I am sure there are plenty more posts to go to--it's irrelevant to the question. Why fixate on this question is beyond me and violates the spirit of a forum to help other owners. I should not be insulted for asking an informational question.
The “spirit” of this forum also includes irrelevant information. You’ll have to read threads that are other than yours to understand the spirit.
Ok, so to bring back the topic to the question, I use the Dr. Prius app on my iPhone, and the veepeak Bluetooth OBD2 reader. The reverse beep is very easy to turn off, along with the seatbelt beep.
Glad that worked out for you. Paid apps that rhymes with Larista are a joke, you validated it w dr prius.