Has anyone notice a big difference in umph, and sometimes hesitaton, when they fill up the PIP at WAWA or other stations. I filled up the PIP at WAWA the other day, and I noticed the car had a lot of hesitation like something was holding it back in pwr mode as I got on the expressway. The following week at the same station, and pwr mode to get on the expressway, the car acted like it had detergent in the gas. No, I did not change the oil or the air filter.
Wawa is fine for coffee, not so much for gasoline. Look for one of the licensed brands from TOP TIER. You might pay a couple cents extra, but it's worth it for the extra detergent and additives that will protect your engine. It's specifically recommended by Toyota. If carbon has been building up on your valves, sure you will eventually have a loss of power. Plus, you want to keep that EGR circuit clean to avoid a failed head gasket after 100,000 miles.
The last time I used wawa gas was about 15 years ago. I had a vw jetta and one winter the gas lines froze and couldnt start it after getting wawa gas. I worked thru that tank and then filled up with turkey hill/sheetz and all was good. I believe it was the next winter and stupid me got wawa gas once again. same bullsh!t happened. From there on out, wawa (water) never was used again. never anymore problems. I do understand that the Gen2 VW's totally different then todays tech, but cant fool me too many times. Turkey Hill is about the only thing I have done over the recent years, with a couple Sheetz in there. But recently it has been Weis and sometimes Giant There is also a pure gas station that I frequent sometimes. Mostly to perhaps get that few ounce of pure in the hose when I use 10% ethanol lol but about once a year I do buy pure. Honestly I just got a tank of pure in my "c" and noticed no increase in mpg.
Folks, thanks for your responces. I have gotten a top notch education from you guys. From now on, they will get my quick stop money,but not gas.