I took the laptop to the computer shop I bought it from and he told me it was too new to take windows 7 I remembered an older laptop that we had years ago that was at the time quite good Samsung brand. I took that up to him and he said it already has windows 7 but was quite slow due to having a fair bit of stuff on it and the battery is shagged. He is going to fit a new hard drive and load the soft ware on for me ($150). He said this will make it 20 times faster. (he didn't tell me faster than what). I will just run a power lead to the computer for now and if it all works well then I can get a new battery. Looks like I'm getting there slowly. I did ask him to wipe everything else from the laptop, but he said it was better for him to transfer everything to the new hard drive. I didn't understand this and after asking him a couple of times to wipe everything and just have tech stream I gave up and said I would see him Monday.
So got the laptop 10 minutes ago and turned out the laptop battery is fine (just hadn’t been charged for a couple of years) I opened up techstream and can’t get past set up stage. Anybody know what “new key” means?
If I try click “cancel” and then “connect to vehicle “ the same register techstream software box just re appears
"Key" is the password that allows the use of Techstream software. If it is the authentic software from Toyota, they will provide you the key to use it for a limited time after you pay the subscription fees. You can find the real cost of authentic Techstream from Toyota, here. Toyota - New Subscription If it is pirated (i.e. illegal) Techstream, the seller must provide you with the "key" to use the software, otherwise, you are out of luck. Just curious, what are you going to use the Techstream for? While it is very useful for diagnosing and providing in-depth information about the car, Techsteram is not necessary to perform most standard maintenance and repair on Prius.
After you’ve paid Toyota for the use of the Techstream software—for example, by registering for a Professional Diagnostic subscription to techinfo.toyota.com or buying a license on toyota-tech.eu—you get access to a website, where you enter the Software ID shown on the screen and receive, in return, a key to make the software work, which you enter into the New Key box.
This is a pirated copy from ebay. I am trying to get fault code from the car to see if the HV battery is faulty before I buy a new one. I might just need to go to a Toyota dealer and get them to read the code. I've tried 3 OBD readers and my iphone and now this software and it looks like after a few weeks trying and $300 or so I might have to admit defeat. It would have been fun to play around with this car, but it seems just out of my ability.
The licenses from toyota-tech.eu are relatively inexpensive—€ 5 for one day, plus credit card fees, if any, for a foreign transaction—and at least when subscribing for access to the rest of that site, I didn’t have any problem using a card with a billing address that wasn’t in Europe. I assume your car was built for sale in Australia or Japan, and I don’t know for sure if the Techstream software, when activated with a European key, would work with those versions of the car. If you try it, please let us know either way.
G'day vvillovv If it's for legal reasons, that makes perfect sense. Believe it or not I've been thinking about your 2c and just came up with that idea. I've had a few goes at sorting this out and have 2 more attempts up my sleeve. One is I've contacted the seller/pirate of the software and the other involves google and my mate coming to stay over the break who would have a good chance of understanding and implementing google search results. Then I give up in the short term and just get the car fixed.
Yeah, my thought was the seller would be the place to get that info. search has some general results that may get ya past that screen. I wouldn't know if or where it might be, you could try looking though the documentation on the CD? or any instructions that came with or on the sellers website, if they have one other than ebay,
Look on the disk at the folders. There will be one telling you how to activate it once it's installed. There's usually a .lic file that you have to copy and paste - or something similar. It seems a bit daunting if you know very little about computers so you may have to get someone to help you. There won't be a key from Toyota.
I think I'll have to wait until my mate comes up from Melbourne. I'm not sure how to find the discs folders. Maybe I could try putting the disc back in the computer, but I don't know if that will cause problems because the software is already loaded onto the computer and I just have the disc stored away. I've heard back from the seller and he requested a screen shot of the page I'm stuck on which I've sent so waiting to hear back again. My computer knowledge is almost zero, but if I ever get it up and running I think I will be able to use the program with a bit of tuition from u tube
Finally got Tech Stream to work. It was so far beyond my ability and took my mate a fair bit of mucking around, but with the instruction video and a blog he found somewhere he was able to get it up and running.
Congratulations. Links to the video and blog would be a big help for someone else who might struggle with this. Glad you got it going!!
The video is contained on the CD itself and he looked up the blog on his laptop. Believe it or not I have no idea how to do a link or I would for sure.