Not what I am looking for . Dealer tell me may of 2018 is latest version. Of maps.that what came on my 2020
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I kow the version in my 2020 prius is may of 2020.look for screen shot of version newer then dealer can get me a new version.sales person said 2020 has may of 2018 is the newest that there is . For no charge just bought prime 4 and half weeks ago If anybody can post a screen shot of a newer version may of 2018 .thanks in advance
I don't use the Toyota navigator in the Prime, I got a TomTom for under $200.00 with life time world wide maps, traffic and cameras.
I used the nav today in the city during rush. Well I had it onscreen anyways. I actually looked at it twice in 15 miles. Once at a stop light and the other time on a side street with no other traffic. I'm still on the way back machine of nav. I like to know where I'm going before I leave. The new wave loves to poke fun at the old nav style. Still wondering how convenient it is to have the machine tell you how to get where you'er wanting to go or howto avoid the gridlock.