Due to the steepness of my driveway, the nosecone of my prius is getting scraped and gouged and I've nearly had the entire front bumper get ripped away. Only thing I can think of to do is to take a sawzall to the offending flange, for lack of a better word, and get rid of the damn thing. Any real issues to doing this?
The piece behind isn't fairing (excuse the pun) too good either: On second gen there's no big engine underpanel? In that case, yeah, and maybe pull of that second piece too, before it's dropping screws on the road.
Judging by the second picture, this a 2010 or 2011. OP, it looks like you've bashed in the corner of the bumper cover there. You could use the boiling water trick to pop it back into the shape it's supposed to be (look it up on Youtube), fiberglass/ziptie/Gorilla tape any tears, and then in future take your driveway at an angle to avoid scraping.
I went to Lowe's and bought 10 bags of drainage gravel, spread it out where the driveway meets the street. Now my wife can pull her Acura in without scraping. I was originally going to pour concrete until I learned the city will tear it out and charge me for the honour. This has worked well as it allows rain water to still move freely.
I second what Jason is suggesting. I would look into a way to build up the entry to the driveway a little before modifying my car.