My Info button became intermittent starting 2 days ago. Now it won't toggle at all, still feels the same when pressed. Car has 141K miles. Any ideas? Thanks.
clean screen. if it gets worse go to --> $300.00 or less? 861 S Gardner St, Scottsburg, IN 47170
That would be my guess too. Any other buttons not working? Can you change the screen by using the touch screen?
At this point in time, the info button is the only steering wheel button which has become inoperative
Did you find a solution to the info button not working? Mine just stopped working a few days ago. : (
The only solution is one I am too chicken to try. The Clockspring is the recommended fix, but since it involves disconnecting/reconnecting the airbag I've decided I can live with one non-working button.
It's most likely the clock spring and more buttons will be failing in time. If you can live with it for now, do so, otherwise, replace the clock spring. It is not difficult, not dangerous (despite the air bag, don't fear the ripper) and does not have to be expensive. I have replaced on on my 2006 Toyota Matrix and used a cheapo $9 ebay wonder. It's been 6 months so far and no problems. The process is not difficult and safe. Just disconnect the 12V battery and wait a few minutes. Then the air bag is safe to work with.
The airbag system has a lot of features built in to increase the safety of handling it ... such as connectors that automatically short across the squib when unplugged, to make it less susceptible to static charges. Still, it never stops being an explosive device to be handled with respect. One tip in the manual that not everyone thinks of: when you set it aside, out of the way, set it down bag up, metal inflator down. That way, even in the unlikely case of an accidental deployment, the bag just blows out. (Needless to say, don't set anything on top of it.) Set it down the other way and the same accident launches the metal canister through the air. Nine dollars for a spiral cable, after you subtract the cost of shipping it over from China, leaves scarcely anything to cover materials or workmanship. I've never seen a careful side-by-side photo dissection of one of those compared to an original-equipment one, but I'd be surprised if they turned out identical. For something that doesn't get replaced often in the life of a car, I might bite the bullet on an OE one. My dealer sometimes discounts parts a bit if I ask nicely.