Was reviewing my dashcam footage after an oil change. Saw this guy leaning his arm on my hood. Left his stains on it. Would you guys even approve this?
At least he's using Mobil 1. Just wipe off his sweat. It's best not to review those cameras, next thing you'll see is a guy picking his nose and then touching your car afterwards
You spend $20-30 on an oil change service, you get $20-30 of service. If they put the right oil and filter in, didn't under or over-fill it, put a new washer on the oil pan bolt, and didn't over-torque it, than I'd call it a win. If you want service like you'd get at a Porche dealership, expect to spend $100+ on an oil change service. Grab a wet rag and a dash of car soap and it'll be clean in a minute.
Not nearly as bad as getting dive bombed by a seagull. Son of a gun must have unloaded about 4 ounces of poo all over my driver's side window and door. It was clearly on purpose, too!
I watch a lot of car repair videos and that's just the way it is. My wife would not like it either. She hates it when someone touches one of her cars. One of the worst is someone leaning up against her car with blue jeans with rivet on the pockets.
i got dive bombed by a seagull in the magic kingdom. i had to buy a new t shirt, i think it was disney anamitronics.
ask your car if it felt like he touched it inappropriately. don't assume one way or the other, go to the source. maybe it wasn't as unwelcome an arm as you think, he is a mechanic after all, they know exactly where your car wants attention
I'm really glad I had my window up. LOL! My worst was in Tarpon Springs when a pelican unloaded and got my father-in-law and me at the same times. What a mess! Turned the two birds with one stone saying upside down. Maybe "Two old guys with one load?" As to the original post, I guess if you don't want mechanics touching your car, fix it yourself. But my dealer gives free car washes after they're done, so I guess I don't mind.
that was likely the master tech teaching the grasshopper to put in 4 quarts of oil cause that's what the manual calls for.
If that's the only questionable thing the footage caught, I'd count yourself as one of the lucky ones
Yeah, I bet he even farted while in the driver's seat too! Put my vote in the "doesn't bother me" category. But it does help validate my personal DIY maintenance policy so thanks for posting.
<old thread alert!> The victim was wearing red with the front open. I really hate to victim-shame here......buuuuut......
My LORD! The mechanic touched the car?!!!! Off with his head! Reminds me of when I came to see a chiropractor and he had me sign a document permitting him to physically touch my body. In the similar category are labels on milk saying "contains milk" or on bag of nuts "contains nuts".