Hi everyone. So the Navigation on my 2010 Prius V has stopped working. It tells me there is no DVD inserted, even though there is. Just happened out of the blue one day. Everything else on my screen works. I'm hoping this is just due to the DVD being outdated? Believe it or not, I've never updated it. Yes, I know I can just use my phone, but I like using the car Nav. I'm old school. Any guidance or insight would be appreciated before I head to the dealer. Thank you!
Try ejecting it and reinstalling. Might just be some schmutz got in there. Look for scratches when you have it out.
Could be schmutz on the read head. That error is more indicative of a laser diode failure though. Can you borrow somebody else's disk and try booting maybe? Or a dealer disk from the bottom of somebody's desk drawer if you're headed over there.
I did try ejecting and reinstalling and that initially did fix the problem. But then it happened again. Was able to kick it back a few times, but now that doesn't work.
Were you getting read errors while driving when it was working? That happened with mine a couple times some years ago. I ejected the DVD and found evidence of some disk de-lamination, bits of foil, stuck to the disk. It wasn't from my navigation DVD though, maybe fell through from the four CD changer above. Cleaned it up and blew into the disk slots for good luck and it has worked ever since.
It was occasionally dropping and then coming back while I was driving, so maybe a good clean and blow might do the trick. I will give it a try. Thanks!
Back with a followup on this one. Cleaning didn't work and I was planning to bring to dealer. But then I remembered that a while back I had emptied my CD tray. I had CDs just sitting in there for years that I never play anymore. Could it be related? So I put all the CDs back and now the map DVD works and navigation is back. So a weird one. But I'll take it!