So I replaced the stock horns on the Prius prime with Hella supertones. I've also done dualtones before and they're close enough to me sound wise. Both are an improvement I just went with the supertones since I got a new set for $13. Step 1: Pop hood, remove the 6 clips with a flat head screwdriver or plastic trim remove. Then pull off the plastic engine cover. Step 2: disconnect the connectors from both left and right horns. Step 3: use 12mm socket to remove the lower bolt from the horn harness. Do on both, stock horns will now come out. Step 4. Make a ground strap. I used a spare copper electrical wire, but any copper wire include speaker wire will work . I crimped it using home depot electrical connectors for the rest. Step 5: Use a screw driver or sand paper to sand under the intake box screw. This is where ground wire will bolt to . Step 6 bolt in the two new horns using existing screws. Step 7: Either of the two spade connection can be a ground of positive doesn't matter which. Plug the ground strap to one. And to the other horn as well. Step 8: now plug in the original positive spade you pulled from the stock horns earlier to the other. Step 9: test the horns. If all is well put the engine cover and clips back and close up.
Cool! Is this the sound of your Supertone?
Yes that's the one. It's more of a higher pitched noise but powerful nonetheless. The dualtone twin trumpets are lower pitched which sound less meepy but slightly weaker in output.
GREAT set of photos, and a clean upgrade of the Meep sounding horn. A month ago It was early morning I was waiting for a railway train to cross a state Hwy. Several semi trucks were heading back to the rock quarry they were using their train horns to honk at the train. Taking advantage of the " It was not me defense of violation of city posted ordinance "
Thank you for posting this. I installed some Hella Sharptone horns today and it was very easy compared to my 2014 Prius.
Does someone have the part number for the absurd plastic push-pins holding the radiator cowl in place? A couple of mine are broken and I want to have replacements in hand when I do the horns.
check if this is the part you want the clips for .... part # 51420-47030 if that is the one the clips are # 90467-07220 Prime Engine Undercover Panel parts list
I found "90467-06133-C0" in another thread here and ordered some off eBay, we'll see. There may be different part numbers for the same item depending on which model its used in.
BTW, these Hella horns with the Toyota connector are an exact fit. They come in LH and RH configurations and if you orient them correctly the existing connectors line up perfectly. They ground through the bracket so there's no messing with a ground wire. FWIW, the 90467-06133-C0 push pins are too small for the cowl. Trying 90467-07217 next
I put these Hella horns in and it really wasn't that much louder than the stock horn What is the purpose of the relay ? I just plug the harness on one side and the other pin I hooked to ground. I then honked my Highlander horn that was alot louder then this. Wth? So I'm boxing these and sending them back. I might try these out. Otherwise I will just get the OEM Highlander horns. Here are part numbers for the Highlander horns: 865100E040 and 865200E020
For those wondering #4 on the pic is the one that makes the hybrid sound in the Hybrids SPEAKER ASSEMBLY, VEHICLE APPROACHING Part Number: 8657048031
Well I tried these Hella horns and didn't like the sound ..looks I might use the freeway blaster that I used on my Gen 3 or put in the Highlander horn.
Hi. I’m trying to replace my horn on a 2021 prime. Can anyone tell me where to buy a pigtail connector to fit the one that the original horn used? I know that i can snip the wires and reconnect.