End of Prius camping with nighttime AC or heat??? Automatic Engine Shut Off Starting with most Model Year 2020 vehicles, Toyota will provide additional features such as automatic engine shut off or “Auto Shut Off” with an enhanced audible and visual warning to its Smart Key System* (SKS). The Auto Shut Off feature will automatically shut off the engine after a pre-determined period of time in the event the vehicle is left running. Future enhancements will include smartphone App capabilities as an added reminder.
Sounds like an opening for some little hack that simulates goosing the brake light switch every 20 minutes, or shifting from P to N to P, or whatever the car considers an action that keeps it awake....
Yes you understand the first of 2 questions what actually starts the hibernate in an hour countdown timer. The 2ndof 2 reasons is to warn any and all buyers new or used in the future Toyota has announced the end of the camping in any hybrid product they produce beginning with the 2020 model year without using the word camping. The salesman or his manager never admitted they knew of the 12 June 2019 press release .Or maybe they didn't read it either way if I bought one of the 2019 model year I likely would not have had the motivation to find the press release Ugh.
Please make correction to 2nd paragraph [end of camping in any] to more clearly read ( end of camping era in any)
There may be a workaround -- this has been reported to evade the automatic shut off, but no second source yet: "Get the car in ready mode, place the car in park, set the hand brake, and lock the door from the inside."
That's totally unacceptable! Though I have no immediate plans to sell my '13 PIP, one of the features I love is "camp mode." I used it just a couple hours ago, on a brutal bone chilling day, while running some errands around town. Not worried about theft, I leave it on, and get back in a warm car. Since winter has hit, and I keep mine in a unheated garage, I have also taken to starting and let it sit there for minutes before I leave, that and the leaving it on while running around town, and STILL my last fillup was 50+ MPG. Not the high 50 or even 60's of summertime, but a damn small price to pay for keeping it ON, and cozy.
As I indicated, I was just quoting what I read elsewhere. While technically you are correct, I certainly assumed that the OP meant "manual brake." Here's a picture:
Camp mode!.. I never heard that. I have a 2010 Prius III. Are you telling me that I can leave the car On and lock it while the climate control is running? It beeps at me as soon as I leave the car and shut the door (if the power is on). How would I use this mode?
I got poo pooed here for camp mode-ing while going into stores for no more than 5 minutes. Are prepared for that also