Car Ran Out of Gas, now code P3190 and won't run

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by bikeking19, Dec 13, 2019.

  1. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    No opportunity. I bought the car in early March. On May 3 I bought my first gas with still half a tank left and then we left for a 6,000 mile trip the next day. I was at least 250 miles from home the first time I ever got it below 1/2 full, let alone playing with ultimate range.

    So, I was taking a calculated risk based on the info at hand which was that the car was claiming to be getting well over 60 mpg, I was driving slowly in the mountains, and the reports here of how far other people were going. In the very unlikely event of running the tank dry, we still had some EV range and even if that ran out, I don't think we would have died. We would have been inconvenienced. It was computer game nervous, not experimental brain surgery nervous. :D
    RMB and fuzzy1 like this.
  2. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Now that you describe it, I can see this as a sort of 'problem' with PHEVs. With a single-fuel vehicles (dino-fuel or plug-in), it would be quite natural to test range while close to home. But with PHEVs, this approach is rather un-natural, as it is feels somewhat wasteful to burn the dino-fuel around the home town for mostly curiosity purposes.

    Married, unmarried partner, friend with benefits, they'd all be the same on this.
    jerrymildred likes this.
  3. bikeking19

    bikeking19 Junior Member

    Apr 6, 2018
    Las Vegas, NV
    2006 Prius
    OK so update, the car was fixed, then it wasn't. Had a tech come look at it, he cleaned the mass air flow sensor and identified a problem with the ignition coil on cylinder 3, showed this by unlplugging it when the car was running and nothing happened as opposed to the other cylinders all causing it run very rough when unplugged. He also saw the hybrid battery was OK but on it's way out it appeared, with excessive resistance in blocks 2 and 8 and he gave me a good price so I went ahead and replaced that. The car ran great after that, no problems, drove it an hour down the highway. The next morning, car doesn't start, says check hybrid battery system. The car isn't throwing a hybrid battery code however, it is throwing two, P0102 and P0113, Mass air flow sensor problem, likely. So I bought a can of mass air flow sensor cleaner, took it apart, sprayed everything down multiple times, all the resistors appear to be intact and solid, installed it. I got a ready signal for about 5 seconds before it shut off again and threw the same codes. Repeated attempts to clean the sensor were not effective. I have ordered a new ignition coil which will be here tomorrow and the technician is coming tomorrow to look at it again. The car doesn't appear to try and start, there is plenty of charge in the hybrid battery showing about 75%, reading 16.9 volts across all blocks and 12.0 volts at the 12 volt battery, it clicks but nothing else. Any ideas for me to fiddle around with today until the tech can come out tomorrow?
  4. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    What is the voltage at the 12v battery? 12.0? It should read 12.5.
  5. Raytheeagle

    Raytheeagle Senior Member

    Jul 1, 2016
    Bay Area, California
    2019 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    What replacement battery did he put in:whistle:?

    A good price in this area is not always the best idea:cool:.

    How’d you find him?

    Hope he’s not one of the mobile mechanics with the tail light warranty;).

    Good luck and keep us posted (y).
  6. bikeking19

    bikeking19 Junior Member

    Apr 6, 2018
    Las Vegas, NV
    2006 Prius
    Another update, not a good one. The mechanic never showed up on Sunday, said he would come today but never answered any calls or texts, and I'm still driving a rental so as you can imagine I'm beginning to freak out a little thinking this may have really been one big scam. I did some good news though in that I was able to contact the owner of the company and explain what happened along with screenshots of the whole conversation. I sent him a picture of the hybrid battery they installed and he verified it was their battery. Unfortunately since its the holidays he can't get anyone here until Thursday, but promised me he would take care of it Thursday morning and pay for any extended days of my rental car, and got him to text me that information so I have it in "writing" so that's at least comforting.

    Now onto the car, I did find a junk prius and was able to swap out the mass airflow sensor after cleaning that one as well. Cleared the codes, went to start, battery clicks but no ready signal, car throws the same codes as before. I also tried jump starting it, it doesn't seem like it needs it but just in case. I pulled out the orange safety plug and put it back in making sure to fully slide it on (that one has gotten me before lol) any further troubleshooting I can do? I'm pretty savvy with cars and tech but can't figure this out.

    SM-G892U ?