Gday I could probably search, but believe me 5 minutes writing this will save me hours and hours for the info so thanks for your time. I have a laptop that is quite basic do I load the disc onto the computer first and then plug the car in. Thanks again for any tips or advice. It’s my 4th attempt at getting a look inside it’s head. Cheers and have a good one. Scott
The disc contains the techstream program and must be installed on the computer. Were instructions included with your purchase? If not, put the disk in the computer and see if it self starts. If it does, just follow the directions it supplies. If it doesn't self start, use file manager to access that drive (many times it's the D drive and look at it's list of files. One will probably say "read me first" or "print me" or something similar. It should have the instructions on how to install the software. If none of that works, I've heard there's several places online where you can download the software. Maybe it will install more easily.
So disappointed. Mini Victoria? I expected to see something made of expensive hardwood, and uniquely crafted brass and silver, that used mainsprings and music box elements to create magic. Instead....just software and computers. You can't take that to the antiques roadshow. help. Carry on.
Yeah, I was lured into this thread by the title too. Was expecting a bit more exotic. LOL Anyway, for installing pirated Techstream with a cheap knock-off VCI can be very straightforward or extremely convoluted. Installing the Techstream program and logging onto it may require special instruction from the seller. There are number of different way to unlock the the program so you can use it depending on the version. Secondly, you will need to install a correct version of driver file. Again this file seems to be highly dependent on the laptop system and miniVCI used. I tried three different miniVCI and Techstream, but so far I can not get any of them to work on my old Windows XP netbook. You might want to try watching this video, but the specific steps may or may not apply to your system.
I just went and looked at the ebay ad. It says it works on windows XP and windows 7. It also said it is the latest version of techstream from 2019. I'm not 100% sure (or I don't know) which window version I have on my lap top and I have to duck out now, but will try later today around lunch time when I get home. Thanks for your help so far. Scott
No where on the ebay ad did they mention any instructions on how to set it up and none came with the disc.
Can you list the files that are on the disk? No offense, but I am a little concerned that you don't even know which version of Windows you have. That level of computer knowledge is going to make a successful installation a long shot unless you're familiar with installing drivers and other software.
Hi Jerry I'm totally fine with your observation of my computer skills mate. I just asked my wife to check and she thinks it is windows 10. She clicked on something and it said "updates available for windows 10" So I assume that is what it is running. I have no experience with drivers or software so I very much agree that I am going to struggle. I do however have a computer techs phone number that I may put into use. He has been to my house once before so maybe I could ask him if he has windows 7 or XP. I haven't googled it yet but I guess they are older than windows 10
I haven't been able to speak to the computer dude yet, but windows 7 is still available on ebay. Aperently they take it off an old scrap computer and that allows them to sell it again as it's no longer available new. Way out of my depth so I will wait until I can contact Jaylen the computer wizz
I think your easiest option would be if you can get the 32-bit version of Windows 7 since most of the Mini VCI kits come with 32-bit drivers. Getting them to run on 64-bit operating systems takes extra expertise. I recommend that it be on a laptop dedicated just to running Techstream. It would be a shame to have some game or other app screw up the tool you might need in a pinch to find out what's wrong with your car. Mine is running on an old Windows XP I had laying around that I installed in a virtual machine running on an old Linux laptop I don't use anymore for anything else. This could be a great learning experience for you if your computer dude can come over and just look over your shoulder and talk you through it. Have fun!
The pirate versions were mostly for windows XP. Anything later is more difficult. Best to buy an old XP laptop if you can and then it will be dedicated to your Prius. One of the files on the disk will explain how to install it and how to activate it but if you really do have a limited knowledge of computers, then get somebody to help you out. Once it's installed (if you manage it) There are lots of youtube videos showing you how to use it/
LOL good luck should be ok for your 06 just google about windows the wind blows in them 10 is the most secure windblows yet.
Just checked the eBay ad again. Dyslexics untie. If I paid a little more attention it doesn’t say 2019. Ah computer stuff, bit confusing
Hi Jerry It's funny that you mention a dedicated laptop. When I bought my laptop I didn't think to mention it to my wife as it was just another tool for the garage for motorbike stuff. I was playing around with a motorbike and the laptop soon after getting it and my wife was excited to see "we had a new laptop" As of 5 minutes ago it is now a garage laptop again and I will contact the local shop I got it from and see if he can set it up with windows XP after wipping it clean. What's your thoughts on having workshop manuals stored on it as well? I think maybe I can save them to a USB so they don't clog up the laptop. Also the bike I was tuning doesn't live here anymore so I can get that ignition software taken off too. I'm getting exited the closer I get to having this sorted as I'm interested in learning about this Prius. I was a mechanic for about 10 years when I left school in the mid 80's and quite because it was so boring. I love working on my own stuff and keeping older things going and I'm very keen to get inside the cars head to have a poke around and also see how the whole thing works mechanically not just computer stuff. Thanks for your time mate Scott
G'day Lexidium 100% this will be my approach now. We are lucky that I don't have to drive this car right now so I have a bit of time up my sleeve to get it sorted. I will probably start to hit you tube so that once I have the laptop and software running I will be able to start mucking around with it straight away. Cheers
Makes sense, but for more flexibility, I prefer to have my owners manuals in my iCloud drive. If your shop manuals are pdf files, you can do the same with them. You can use Dropbox or Micro$soft OneDrive if you prefer. This way, they are accessible with my phone, or my tablet, or my regular laptop, or my desktop computer. I can access them anywhere that I have internet. You would not want to access them on the cloud from the Techstream computer because Techstream is liable to "phone home" and make you register and then it won't be usable until you authenticate it, which you can't do with these setups. Also, if the TS computer is running Windows XP, you definitely want to keep it disconnected from the internet or you'll have a virus in a matter of seconds.
If you take long road trips through places where wireless coverage is spotty, having the manuals stored locally could be worth something. They're not so huge as to be any problem to store on a typical beater laptop.