Hi , I just removed my original sat nav unit and changed it with Xtrons unit which is the aftermarket. But the problem is the harness for reverse camera on original Toyota unit is different and the xtrons just have a normal RCA connection. I cut the original toyota harness and there is four wires but i dont know how to connect to the new navi unit . Please see the photo of the genuine harness which i cut it down .
The connector is unfamiliar to me, but that may be because it's a UK car. However, they seem to have used the same four wire colors that I see on the US models: Red is 6V+ to power the camera. Be careful! Your new head unit may only supply 12V for the camera, you'll need to add a regulator. Black is CV+ (RCA pin) White is CV- (RCA sleeve) Yellow is shield/ground. Again, that's IF they used the same wire colors as in the US models.
Thank you for your quick reply , My car imported from japan to UK and I find out the UK version and US version are totally using different harnesses . so how to make sure the red wire is + and how to know what is the others ?
Wish I could tell you. I understand that the wiring diagram for the JDM car is not available to the public. In the US version, those same four wire colors are embedded within a larger 24-pin connector that has other unrelated connections. About the best I could suggest is that you temporarily wire up the factory deck for at least power and then backprobe those four wires. If: the red gives ~6V over chassis ground earth you see around 1V between black and white continuity between yellow and chassis ground earth then I'd call it fully validated electrically speaking- you'd then further validate by adapting black & white to an RCA terminal and plugging into the display to make sure it's a video signal and not some other incredibly random voltage-of-the-right-level.
Sorry , can you explain it in easy way as I am not an expert electrician , so when I power the head unit how to check the voltage on the output socket ? With volt meter ?
The diagrams are available (in Japanese, of course) on the Electronic Technical Manual (電子技術マニュアル) discs; see the PriusChat Wiki page. Note that the discs don’t typically cover dealer-installed options, which have separate instructions that can be more difficult to find. The rear television camera assembly (part number 86790-47040) listed in Toyota’s parts catalog for third-generation Prius cars built for sale in Japan is also the only one listed for U.S. and European models of the same generation, which strongly suggests that the voltage requirements (nominally 6 V) are the same, too.
Thank you for your reply and very helpful information , So i need a voltage retainer to connect to my aftermarket head unit which is feeding 12v .
I used an Axxess AX-CAM6V regulator to solve this problem in a similar installation in my car. Very cheap and tiny, easy to wire. These are very generic, nothing special about them other than that this one is packaged for durable automotive use. To answer your earlier question- if you want to use a meter to validate what's on those four wires, watch a youtube video on the subject of backprobing and perhaps another on the topic of digital volt-ohm meters. It's not difficult, but it'll take you seconds/minutes to watch what would take me an hour to type.
Please can you help me to make connection on my Prius 2017. I Hina installation android touch but reverse camera wires I need to connect. Please help me which wires to connect.
I know this is an old post but I can confirm those are the correct pinouts on the US model (made in Japan) also. I may be able to confirm some other things in this thread as I had to do this from scratch. I have a 2011 Prius II, which did not come with a camara from the factory but had the cutout under the rear hatch for it. Was hoping they at least had it wired up but no such luck. I purchased one of those cheap license plate camaras (for this new android radio which I absolutely love) it had a bluetooth interface with transmitter and receiver so I wouldn't have to run a wire all the way to the front (which I still had to do because I could not find a reverse trigger anywhere in the front and got fed up). So, the license plate camara ended up being the biggest piece of you know what known to man (flickering, cutting in and out, etc) which after I bought it everyone told me I should have went with the factory model so I got one on ebay. It didn't come with a whole lot of info and I found a lot of useless information identifying the pins on the internet although I did find out I needed a 6V regulator so that cost me another week waiting for it. I went to the dealership hoping I could purchase the connector to the camara but they only sell the entire wiring harness for $600+ so that wasn't going to happen I figured I'd just break off the plastc housing & solder the wiring on there. I still wasn't sure of the pinouts so I ended up taking the camera apart hoping I could figure out which pin what went where and wouldn't you know it? Inside the camera was about 2" of wires going into the plug: black, red, yellow, white! Well, I just clipped them off at the plug drilled a hole into the housing to feed the wires through and broke off all the plastic around the plug socket, scotch locked on about a foot of wires to work with. Unfortunately I still didn't know what went where but did find some pictures that totally had the wires hosed (black and red on the camara, white on the 6V and orange to ground (which I assumed meant yellow). Well of course that didn't work and I was a little set back after that but remembered reading this post, and saw you had wired them different, so I followed your guidance praying the whole time I din't fry the thing earlier and voila fired right up! I wish I could buy you dinner haha anyway I hope this may help somebody also in the future. And another FYI, the holes were not drilled to mount the camera so I had to do that too. What an improvement, OEM is definitely the way to go. Cheers! -Steve