I completely agree. The pickup trucks I see around here are essentially the new "land yacht" luxury vehicles that Cadillacs, large SUVs, and such used to be....which is fine. However, they are obviously not being used for their intended purpose. I suppose folks rationalize it by thinking they *may* use it to tow...but rarely ever do...especially if they use the truck as a daily driver. I did poke around on some of the truck forums where "truck guys" are debating the merits of the Cubertruck. I think Tesla is onto something here. The "truck guys" seem to be coming around on the design and are actually calculating how much money they will save per week because most of these "truck guys" DO use their trucks as daily drivers. I was in shock at their calculations....they spend an absolutely insane amount on fuel every week!
Even so, it would be a miracle if a 3+ ton electric truck could get 2½ miles per kWh. Said vehicle would need to have a 200+ kWh traction pack (plus upper & lower buffer) - which, in California will still easily cost you over $45 in electricity. I'm running out of roof space for solar panels .... 20 on opposite facing Gables .
Agree. However, the fact that the "truck guys" are even thinking about an electric vehicle and are doing calculations on their own forums and are realizing that they very well could save a lot of fuel costs is a major win for Tesla in my opinion. Edit : Here is a really good analysis of the Cybertruck by some "truck guys" ( text synopsis in the reddit thread ) : www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/e0q1wm/best_discussion_on_cybertruck_by_truck_guys_they/
sandy munro: "i'm very happy that tesla decided to put out something like this", "it should be very easy to build and produce".
^ Yes, and Simone can talk up TRUCKLA way better than Musk can present a major CYBRTRK reveal. Kidding, kinda, but geez, Elon is horrible in front of big crowds, like he's been smokin' something. Warning for language...
he wants to be steve jobs, but he's too brilliant for that role. i'm sure the muskovites don't mind though
I don't mind that bad. But he definitely should have some help with presentations. I totally understand his wanting to be a part of it but he should delegate at least part of the presentation to Franz or someone else.
This. While Musk is no Steve Jobs, even Steve had many other (and better) presenters at reveals and public meetings. Musk will forever be remembered in business classes as both a business genius and also one of the worst examples of how to run the public side of a company.