Like the title says, I can't remember the last time I bought gas for my Prime. As far as I can tell, maybe it was August 14, 2019. I'm down to 1 bar, so I might need to get more soon. Maybe next month.
Sweet. I last bought in Oct and still have 7/8th left. Basically I only need to fill it if I drive to the US or (I’m assuming since it’s my first winter with the Prime), I go out to the ski hills. But even then, it’ll take a few trips before I’ll empty the tank.
I have gas tank filling anxiety, every (~ 6 mos. average) that I might have to fill up. I also fear that I won't remember how to actually fill the tank and I might have to ask someone for instructions. Last year, Dec. 13th, I filled up locally at Costco. Went on vacation to Maine in the middle of September 2019 with 7/8ths of that same tank and didn't need to fill up until we hit eastern Ohio en route. That's the longest I've gone time-wise on just EV alone.
That reminds me, I still haven't gotten over how weird it is to pull up to a gas station in EV mode, get gas, and then drive away in EV mode.
I generally get gas about every two months. Well as generally as can be after only nine months that include a major road trip. Aside from that trip, I've only gotten gas four times. Every time I fill up, I always have to stop and think about it.
Reminds me of when, about 10 years ago, I pulled into a station in my Gen3 Prius to buy about 1.5 gallons of gas for the mower (and none for my car). The person adjacent to me was filling their behemoth of a yellow Hummer. We both walked in to the station to pay by cash at the same time, I right after him. He wished to pay for his gas with a couple of hundred dollar bills, which the cashier wouldn't take due to some station policy about accepting hundreds. He got into a yelling match with the cashier, which he didn't win. Claimed he was going to just drive away if the cashier wouldn't take the hundreds. Was told that both the filling, his plate number and the yelling contest was now all on video. He calmed down slightly and payed with a credit card at the register and went out still totally fuming mad and yelling curse words in every direction. I had already pre-paid with a five dollar bill and got my change back. He passed my pump on the way to get into his army tank of a vehicle and asked me if the $4.25 on my pump was correct. I said indeed it was. He then told me and my car to _ _ck off! Probably though that was all it took to fill a Prius. Best trip to the gas station I ever had. Laughed out loud for about an hour after that.
Grinning as I read that one!! Sometimes you just want to say, "I can't help it that you're an idiot."
I've said it before, but this is not only the truth about the Prius Prime, but something that I think Toyota doesn't communicate enough about the product. I think that type of possible MPG, and minuscule gas usage, while varying depending on usage, is VERY impressive. I'm not sure the general public as a whole, realizes the Prius Prime is capable of these type of returns. When I talk Prius to the un-initiated, I most often hear two things. #1, you get about 50 mpg right? and #2. (Sadly) some myth or misunderstanding about the life-span and cost of the Hybrid Battery. I think with the Prime, Toyota has really evolved the Prius Hybrid. But I'm not sure outside of those that already care, anybody knows.
I bought gas yesterday while on a 700 mile trip to my beloved home state of Indiana. It hasn’t changed much.....except it’s much faster with NFC payment and the mega-fueling stations that seem to be popping up everywhere. Even though I wasn’t in much of a hurry (solo trip and a good audiobook!) I logged a 5-minute stop to fuel, stretch, and pump bilges. I agree that the Prime - even with it’s small EV range is capable of returning some pretty impressive fuel savings but right now fuel is hovering at $2 per gallon and people are staying away from sedans in droves - even nice looking sedans. Crossovers are king now - and if Yota keeps the cost of their non-wireless one sub-stratospheric then they can continue to be a leader. We’ll see what happens.....
Just make sure you run your gas tank down to nothing at least once every 6 months so the fuel doesn't go bad on you.
No need to run it down that far, the Owner's Manual calls for just running it down far enough to add 20 liters (5.3 gallons) per year.