2007 prius dashboard lights stay on with the exception of the check engine. I know I have a bad combination meter. The dash has gone dark intermittently and has come back on. Not long after this started happening the dash lights began to stay on. I have disconnected the 12v battery which fixed the lights for a couple of days. The 12v battery was replaced about 1.5 years ago. Will be able to read codes once the mini vci arrives. Any ideas? Thank you.
The question is... are the dash lights staying on...or is the car not turning off. If there is no CEL, there are no codes to be read. The next time this occurs, hold the power button for several seconds. Does the dash then turn off? I would lean toward this all being due to the combo meter issue.
Look at the mfd screen the one above the radio. If there’s a little icon of a car in the top left corner on the mad we call that the turtle the hybrid battery has failed again most Iklely from high voltage ground fault since a 12 volt reset clears the codes. My combo failed over a year and never threw any codes just went on and Off for a year.
I would say repair the combination meter if you know it's going bad. Then see what happens. When the combo meter misbehaves it sometimes makes the power button unresponsive and the car won't turn off. In that case holding the power button for 4-5 seconds turns off the car. That is the sign the combo meter repair is in order. It's only one capacitor that needs to be replaced. Not a difficult repair. I have just done it a few weeks ago. Removing the dash is required, but not complicated (just takes a while, especially the first time). There is an excellent video on YT on how to remove the dash. I followed that one and it all worked out great. If you can not solder the capacitor, PM me and we can arrange for me to do it for you. The board os small enough to ship cheaply (you'll need a static bag of appropriate size).
Thank you everyone. I have ordered everything to repair the combo meter. The 1st attached picture is of my always on dash lights. Regardless if my ebrake is on or not. The 2nd picture - is that the turtle you were referring to in the top left of mfd? Also, while stopped, but in drive, the car shows the electric motor is running - 2nd picture. If I let off the brake but do not move, it turns off and on. Is that normal? I have a video of it, but cannot post the link as this is my first thread.
It looks like you have brake trouble. That Brake light is not only for parking brake, but also will glow if there is brake trouble. ABS light is indicating that as well. Maintenance light can be turned off without tools and is not a trouble indicator at all. Just comes on every 5K miles. Turn it off after an oil change an you will be able to use it as an actually useful reminder. To turn that off, make sure you have mileage displayed (as opposed to one of the trip meters) and turn off the car. Then turn the car on while holding the trip button on the dash. Keep holding the button down as the car powers up. You will see ----- displayed on the odometer. Keep holding the trip button until zeros are displayed and then it goes back to displaying the mileage. Now your maintenance light is reset for another 5K miles. As for other stuff, I believe you need to concentrate on brakes as I think this is the problem causing all the other lights. Could be the actuator going, unfortunately, but needs to be diagnosed. Combination meter going dark is a separate and much simpler problem to fix. I do not believe it has anything to do with your brake problems.
Once again, I learn how tough it really is to provide accurate advice without actually being there in person to fully understand the symptoms. More details are always needed, and a photo is usually worth a thousand words.
Here are the codes I found in techstream. c1241, c1300, c1343 Is there anywhere else in techstream I could find more information about this? I am current driving the car daily. The car seems to be driving and braking as normal. Thank you.
Focus on code C1343. DTC No. Detection Item INF Code Trouble Area 1 C1343/64 Rear Hydraulic System RH Malfunction 571 572 573 574 575 Fluid leakage Brake actuator assembly Disc rotor According to the repair manual, there are 5 INF codes, but your TechStream screenshot does not show that there are any INF codes (no snowflake next to the DTC). DESCRIPTION The skid control ECU controls braking force according to the hybrid system regenerative braking force and inputs the fluid pressure necessary for operating each wheel cylinder according to the wheel cylinder pressure sensor. DTCs may be stored if brake fluid leaks, wheel cylinder vibrates due to uneven wear of the brake disc rotor, or foreign matter enters the solenoid valve. DTCs may be stored if the line pressure drops during air bleeding. DTC No. INF Code DTC Detection Condition Trouble Area 1 C1343/64 571 Hydraulic pressure control on RR wheel has deteriorated. Fluid leakage Brake actuator 2 C1343/64 572 Hydraulic pressure control on RR wheel has deteriorated. Fluid leakage Brake actuator 3 C1343/64 573 There is a malfunction - such as leakage in the pressure increase control valve of RR wheel. Fluid leakage Brake actuator assembly Disc rotor 4 C1343/64 574 There is a malfunction - such as leakage in the pressure decrease control valve of RR wheel. Fluid leakage Brake actuator assembly Disc rotor 5 C1343/64 575 There is a malfunction - such as leakage in the pressure decrease control valve of RR wheel. Fluid leakage Brake actuator assembly Disc rotor I hope this helps.