well, i got my car back today, and finally i can control my systems again! all seems well, and there are even some minor changes/improvements in the new screen. for one thing, the 5 minute bars and the current mileage bar on the consumption screen are now yellow instead of a slightly lighter shade of whatever you call that green. they are easier to read now. interesting that when evan heard i was getting a new screen originally, he pointed out that i would be able to toggle between the consumption and energy screens. but in my car, i was able to do that from the first, so they had already made some improvements. now this screen has even more changes. at least they are not falling asleep at the switch! another thing was that someone on priuschat thought they might have to replace the whole nav system rather than just the screen, but that turns out not to be the case, as my prior destinations are still in there. unless they somehow flash that stuff over, which seems possible but not likely that they would go to that trouble. i think it's just that they were able to replace only the screen, or at least not the entire system. that's the news, goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow. :mrgreen:
great news! the colour issue is probably adjustable by going into the "information menu" and selecting "screen setting" and adjusting the "contrast" and "brightness" functions will probably have the green's back if you want.
interesting... never thought of that, because it's not just brighter, its bright yellow! but i will play with the settings and report back
you can also change colors too. i dont remember all the choices but there 4 or 5 i think. blue, green, yellow, brown, and red maybe???
interesting. now that my buttons work, i will have to play around. i really only had it for the drive home and then the next time i went to use it, it was broken
ok forget the red, im almost positive i had 4 or five color choices.... *sigh*... ok... i suppose you are going to make me run out and look... ok that s what i thought... hold on a sec... ok... its green, blue, gray and beige... in that order... from left to right...
aarons12, first, one thing i noticed different on my car is that the last two bars on the fuel gauge do NOT blink. at first i thought they changed it to the last one, but that one didn't even blink. my car was built 06/04, does your green theme look like this? [Broken External Image]:http://joesdiner.com/images/md_green.jpg
My last bar began blinking for the first time this week. I was purposely trying to get it low on gas to see what would happen. I sensed it had two bars and after a stop and restart, it beeped and showed only one blinking bar. I understand that when it gets "REALLY" low that a message appears on the screen also. I plan to take it on an extended trip to Fairbanks and want to guage how soon I need to look for a station. My delivery was December 11th 2003 and door production plate says 10/03. (BTW: looking at plate on door I noticed a sticker indicating the 40D fix date and mileage) I suspect that I will get a 40E letter in a month or so. I have used the car wash numerous times and have not experienced any water seepage problem.
my 'green theme' looks like that now, but before it was white bars or some lighter color, now yellow. i guess the tech just set it differently. haven't had the chance to play yet, and i only drove the car one day before the screen cracked...
I think that is the gray setting. I might be wrong. I'm never right, mostly wrong. try the different colour schemes