I don't suppose anyone would be willing to rent out their Prolong charger, would they? I live in the northern VA area.
The Gen1 charger is different than the one used for Gen 2 and Gen 3. You would need to find another Gen 1 user.
I think this is your best option. If you were local, you could borrow mine. But the prospect of packing it up and shipping it cross country to someone I don't know doesn't appeal to me. BTW, to use a "borrowed" grid charger, you need to buy and install a $150 harness. No cheap short cut on this. Sorry.
Thanks, guys, I really appreciate the responses I've gotten over the last few weeks. I'm weighing my options as I need to get the car running asap at this point. Brian, thank you for that info, I didn't know I would also need a harness for it.. Who's the other member from NOVA? And is it a gen 1 they need a charger for?
A gen1 charger would work on a Gen2, but not vice versa. A gen1 charger is going to be more expensive than a Gen2. Gen1 charger runs at a higher voltage than a Gen2. As mentioned, you would each purchase your own harness. ~$150+tax and shipping
Looking at Hybrid Automotive's site, Gen 1 charger is CO-P1 Prolong® Charger Only – Hybrid Automotive Gen 2 & 2 is CO-PR Prolong® Charger Only – Hybrid Automotive @jeff652 could explain the differences. I know Gen 1 pack has more modules.
Are you looking to possibly rent your Prolong charger out? My sister lives in Mechanicsville area of Richmond and I occasionally visit her. I live in the Southern Maryland area. I own a Gen 2, 2007 with 214,000. I need to do something with the battery soon or will lose it. I would love to keep it running for as long as possible! Disregard, realized you no longer are in Richmond, VA
I am willing to rent my Prolong system. I am the San Diego area. I have 2 Prolong chargers and 1 automatic discharger for 2004-2015 Prius (non Plug In), 2012+ Prius V. Provide your own harness or I have 2 harnesses, one for Gen 2 Prius and one for Gen 3 Prius which can be installed temporarily for your reconditioning session. Private message me if you'd like to discuss further.
Looking to rent a Prolong charger for a Gen3. I'm in NW Florida but can travel up on a weekend (sorry San Diego)to use the charger at someone's house.
hey im in socal and need to prolong my battery is this still available? Do you have an email or phone number i can contact you from?
Hi Dale, I’m too new here to PM but perhaps you can message me if you’re still loaning out harnesses, chargers, and discharges. I have a 2nd gen with a newer battery that I’d like to ensure stays fresh. Thanks!