Hi guys. I’ll try to be as clear and direct as possible. I have a 2012 prius c with 217k miles on it. A couple months ago I replaced the exhaust system and got a used hybrid battery that had under 100 K miles on it. For two months everything was perfect, until eight days ago when I was driving and I felt a slight loss of power and then all the alarms came on. “Check hybrid system pull the car over immediately”, master alarm etc. Now two months ago when my hybrid battery was going out before I replaced it, I could still drive despite the warning on the little screen, the gas engine would just run the entire time and occasionally I’d run into autozone and they’d clear the codes so I’d be fine for a week or so. Point is I could still drive the car. But this time, with this issue, as soon as that code appeared the gas engine would not even come on. I could do about 25 miles an hour until the car came to a stop a few minutes later… Car actually became in inoperable. So when your sitting there and you turn the car on, everything would come on like normal- even the “ready” under P for park, but you would hear some very gnarly rattling and then the car would shut itself off. thabkfully When the car died i was in the Toyota parking lot so I had some help. Turns out I needed and replaced the 12 v battery and the rattling we heard was more than likely a rod knock so I had the entire engine replaced. Used, had 65k on it, but it worked perfectly. (A friend did it, not Toyota) Been driving for a few days now and out of no where the EXACT same problem occurred. Alarms, all electric, coasts to a stop, Then you start it, engine or something the hood rattles a little (not as much, but still something is rattling a little) than 5 seconds later it shuts the car off. I’ll see if my videos will post. A hybrid battery, exhaust system, 12 V battery, and an entire replacement engine are all in there and it is still shutting my car off. What on earth is going on. I drive for a living, my car is my lifeline and before I take it in to get a diagnosis, I’m seeing if you guys have any idea. Maybe the ECU is messing up? Have no clue. Is there a way to post videos? It’s only giving me the option of pictures