Turn mechanical key the opposite direction, all doors will lock. This also helps the locking mechanism to not seize.
I let all of my vehicles warm up especially my V. I put it in N when I think it's about to shut off the ICE then let it run for five minutes or more depending on temperature.
My car used to take longer to warm up from a cold start during the first few miles driven and more gas was used during exceleration. Seems now that engine is warmed up faster the I see 2 to 3 miles per gallon saving in my short trips.
Just keep speeds up to 40 mph and it will warm up to 153f within minutes. My commute is 50 mi per way yielding 63-65mpg both ways. No mod needed.
The warm up cycle tends to go longer from a overnight dead cold start. In my short drive to work (4 miles) Prior to installing the bullet, I would range from 42 to 44 mpg by the time I arrived at work. Now (after the CPD, Koolaid and anything else people wish to claim I am on) I consistently get 45 to 48. This has been consistent over the last 6 weeks. The point is, the sooner the engine gets warm, the car seems to regulate less gasoline usage. I am not sure how or why. But it is happening.
My highway mileage has really improved, but of course, no one will believe it so I won't bother posting.
no matter how warm the coolant is, every gen 3 briefly turns the ice on during deceleration at 72 kmh or 43 mph for 1 second then its goes off again. I can't find a reason for that.
It does. When decelerating through the maximum EV speed, the Prius will inject a bit of fuel to make the ICE shut off more smoothly. You won't see this on the fuel consumption gauge in US cars because that shows a lowest consumption of 100 mpg, everything less is all bars lit. European cars (and Canadian) have km/l which goes to 0 when no fuel is going to the engine and they see a light blip to 0,5 or 1 l/100km (1 or 2 bars) when this happens. 1 l/100 km is is still about 235 mpg.
Ive descended downhill for a couple of miles with engine around 140F, after around 5 mins ICE comes on while still going down hill. Its happened twice with SOC near 50%
Not in my car, all Prius using the same software - more or less. In Hungary all the guys reporting that. Do you see it in monitoring tool? Mine is doing it, when slowing down without brake - though have to double check that.
When I slow down, the engine shuts off. Unless it's cold, or the it's charging the hybrid battery, or both. All Prius cars "might" use the same software, but it's programed differently. What I am saying is, the engine shuts OFF, when the car is slowing down. I can only give information on what MY Prius does, or doesn't do.