When i switched to accessory mode in prius zvw30 ,it shows warning message with yellow triangle. After about 5seconds its go off. I translated the japanese text to english. 始動時はプレーキを踏みながらパワースイッチを押して下さい When starting, press the power switch while stepping on the brake.
I changed the 12v battery before about 8 months ago. After a long trip also this warning message come in accessory mode. Fulel consumption reduce also 7-8 mpg after this message getting. Did i need a scan and changed the 12v battery?
I am not using accessory mode always and warning is coming when switched to accessory mode instantly.
it's probably just a reminder that acc mode can run down your 12v. japanese version is different than here, so i can't confirm it
I believe it "thinks" you meant to START the vehicle, and is just letting you know you need to press the brake pedal for the car to start. Mine does that, because I don't press the pedal just before I press the button. Pressing the pedal, then start again, makes it "ready".