Can you tell me where I can purchase the "Repair Manual" referred to in the above quote? Is it a dealer item? Dennis Waller
Curiously the Toyota Electronic parts catalog for the 2020 Prius Prime indicates that both the metal canister and the paper oil filter were both used and lists the parts numbers for both filters. Did Toyota simply use an illustration from an earlier version of the catalog and failed to update it and indicate that only the metal canister was installed on Priuses after 2017? Dennis Waller
I did find the prerequisite Amayama page...: Buy oil filter for Toyota Prius XW50 (09.2015 - 11.2018) - Amayama Both styles of oil filter bracket are shown, spin-on down the page.
Yes, that's the point of it... Here's one made with a less strong ceramic magnet. The one with the neodymium magnet is better at half the price.
Click the “(more info)” link. The parts list on, in Figure 15-02, Oil Filter, for model year 2020, includes only the cartridge type; they helpfully translate its part number to the one available at U.S. dealers, 90915-YZZF2. Not exactly. Toyota publishes only one catalog data set (224430) covering all Prius Prime cars built for sale in North America, and every image and part is coded with the range of production dates to which it applies. On, the parts lists are generally filtered using the production dates for each model year, but the developers at SimplePart, who maintain the website for Toyota, apparently chose not filter the images in this way, nor to show the image names, which for Figure 15-02, also give the date ranges: “ELEMENT TYPE (1609-1711)” and “CARTRIGE [sic] TYPE (1709- ).”
Champion Laboratories is one of the larger after market oil filter makers. I haven't seen definitive test results of the filter they make with the Mobil 1 label. I would not assume that it is as good as Mobil 1 oil is very good oil. It might be; we just don't know. Oil filters do not have the original specs published by the engine makers. Filter makers reverse engineer the original equipment filters. They either make a new filter to match that, or they pick a filter from their catalog they feel is "close enough." It isn't like motor oil that meets industry standard specs. In the unlikely case of engine damage due to a defective oil filter, the filter maker is responsible for the damage and repairs. If it is an original equipment filter, then your warranty covers it. If it is an aftermarket filter, then the filter maker is responsible. The warranty won't pay. I use OE filters for at least the duration of the warranty period. 0W-16 oil is very different from, say, 0W-20. It isn't just lighter viscosity. It has different chemistry in the additive package. Stick with the specified oil except in case of an emergency.
Reply by Dennis Waller I have learned the OEM oil filter for the 2020 Prius Prime is a Union Sangyo C 150 which can be purchased from Amazon for $10.50. Since I do all my own maintenance I will get a supply of filters and 0W-16 Mobil 1 oil for the first change which Toyota recommends @10,000 miles. Dennis Waller CORRECTION about oil filter for a 2020 Prius Prime. Earlier I posted some incorrect information about the correct oil filter for this car. It is a 90915-YZZF2 made by Denso. The Toyota MSRP is only $5.41 which is a reasonable price for a high quality filter (I pay about $10.00 for a Mobil 1 oil filter made by Champion Labs for my 2014 Accord.) And Amazon will probably offer the Denso filter at a lower price in the future. I also wanted to correct some misinformation about installing a magnet on the oil filter. That is a waste of money. Metal particles are usually large and will be captured by the full flow oil filter media during the first pass through the filter. Most high quality filters made with synthetic media as well as cellulose will capture particles down to 20 microns.