My prius is only a month old...#6 Seaside Pearl...I love it! This morning, while stopping for my morning coffee....parked for less than 5 minutes...someone managed to hit the left/rear bumper of my new, perfect car...and take off. No note...nothing. The scrapes, scratches and dents were bound to happen at some point, but I am SO sad that my new baby is already hurt. I just needed a place to vent. Thanks
Well that just plain stinks. I'm sorry to hear about the rudeness of others. Personally, I suffered a pretty deep door ding at the grocery store.
Those anonymous dings and dents do stink! I had my Prius only 3-4 weeks when I found a long shallow dent in the right rear fender about bicycle handle high. Fortunately, the Body Shop owner I took it to brought in a specialist in paintless dent repair. In less than two hours he made the dent disappear and I cannot tell where it was. Turns out this guy works at the near by Subaru plant and this is what he does all the time when cars are dinged in the manufacturing process.
Another Seaside Pearl owner feels your pain. I get flack from my daughter for being so careful and parking out in the boonies away from other cars. I know the dings are inevitable, but heck we want to keep them nice for as long as possible.
So sorry to hear about your ex-bumper! I can imagine how you feel - I have a white car that's 5 months old, and it got a few little nicks in the front bumper from gravel, and I was extremely upset. I finally found a place to install a clear bra closer than 70 miles away, and they buffed out all the little dings before they applied the clear bra. I put a scrape in the side of my old car when it was brand new, arguing with a post in a car wash - the post won. I wasn't anywhere as much upset by that as by the little gravel dings, because it was MY stupid mistake. But now, if anyone dares to damage my beauty, the'd better watch out! (Especially since today was the first day of the new 'non-smoking' policy at work where you can't even smoke outside if you're on the property, even if you're sitting in your car)! I hope it's easy to repair, not too expensive and looks as good as new. BTW, this is a GREAT place to vent.
Thanks for the support and helpful ideas! Dings, dents and scratches are inevitable, but for those of us who LOVE our's a tough first assault. Thanks!
Ugh, sorry that you're going through this. I can't believe that folks can't take responsibility for their's a really sleazy thing to do to another human being...not to mention a Prius!!
The other day my husband and I were eating outside at a little cafe-type place. I saw a huge SUV squeeze into a tiny parking space next to a brand new Mercedes. One of the passengers opened their door really fast & hard and slammed it into the Mercedes. The SUV people got out, did whatever errand they had to do, and left (this all took place within about 5 minutes). We walked over to the Mercedes and saw the dent & scratch that was left by the SUV's door. In the meantime I had jotted down the SUV's license plate # and left a note on the Mercedes about the hit & run. I hope the SUV people got caught for the damage they did. I can't stand inconsiderate people.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Sep 20 2006, 06:12 PM) [snapback]322519[/snapback]</div> Hot damm, good for you!! I wish someone had seen who scraped my week old baby, the a$$hoyles! :angry: Just plain arses in this world. I can only hope that those jerks save up and finally buy something they adore, and then someone does the same thing to them, but worse!! GRRRrrr... Did I just say all of that outloud? :lol:
Rancid - Kudos to you. I hate people that do that stuff and tghey should have to pay for the repair. I had my rear bumper damaged in a parking lot and no note left. Cost me $500 to have the bumper repainted. But, once painted it is perfect again. Good luck.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Sep 20 2006, 04:12 PM) [snapback]322519[/snapback]</div> DITTO!!! Good for you!!! It is such a hearbreaking experience when people can be that selfish and insensitive! Thank you for being the good guy!!!
Yeah for you Rancid! That was really thougtful of you. It can be so disheartening when people don't take responsibility for their actions.
Thanks guys...I couldn't NOT do something about it. We were sitting but 20 feet away and I know I would have been pissed if it had been my car that was damaged and no note was left. It's happened to my husband too many times to count while he's parked at work all day. He gets really worked up over it. He was sitting in his car one day when someone parked next to him and whammed their car door into his when they opened it. He got out and said "excuse me but you just hit my car with your door" to the lady, who was in a hurry. She looked at her door and said it looked fine to her and he pointed out the lovely scratch her car had created on his car. She said it was no big deal and headed on her way to complete her errands. He took down her license# and description of her and her vehicle just in case he decided to get it repainted. My previous car was a Saturn, with the famous 'plastic panel' body so it never got dented during the 9+ years I drove it. My Prius has but a couple tiny, barely noticeable scratches but no dents (knock on wood).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Sep 21 2006, 11:09 AM) [snapback]322940[/snapback]</div> I like karma. I think about it often, especially when I see someone doing something they shoudn't and thinking they're getting away with it. Karma will take care of them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Sep 21 2006, 02:17 PM) [snapback]322945[/snapback]</div> Hey Jen- is it time to rvivie the "baby name contest" thread? You could call the little guy Karma.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(withersea @ Sep 21 2006, 11:55 AM) [snapback]322972[/snapback]</div> do not know...the baby name contest was Jack Kelly's idea and 'thing'...I think it sorta died out awhile ago though, unfortunately. <_<
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ Sep 20 2006, 07:12 PM) [snapback]322519[/snapback]</div> Rancid13~ I would have to say there are plenty of car owners that wish more people would do what you did.. Great job!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Sep 21 2006, 03:21 PM) [snapback]323110[/snapback]</div> I wish they would too! I think part of it is that everyone is so involved with what they're doing at that moment in time that they don't pay any attention to what anyone else is doing. I think maybe I was paying extra attention to the monster SUV because he was parking in a tiny stall right across from where my beloved Prius was parked~I was worried he was going to try to back up & squeeze in the 'compact' space right next to me and was sort of keeping an eye on him. I'm very protective of my car when he's in my line of sight. :wub: