Rear Wiper is now standard. And, here is national package content: Package 1 GY : Side/Curtain Airbags Package 2 AG : security system + homelink + Smart Entry Package 3 BI : Side/Curtain airbags, Smart Entry Package 4 AM : Side/Curtain Airbags, Smart Entry, HID headlamps, fog lamps, VSC (vehicle skid control) Package 5 AI : Side/Curtain Airbags, Security System, Homelink, Smart Entry, JBL Audio Upgrade Package 6 BC : Side/Curtain airbags, Security System + Homelink, Smart Entry, HID headlamps, fog lamps, VSC (vehicle skid control) , JBL Audio upgrade, Navigation System with Bluetooth Technology Southern CA packages will be 1, 3, and 6 (or, GY, BI, and BC -- all new package content descriptions). Colors stay the same, and with higher global production, we'll start seeing more cars soon. Better late than never!! Dianne
So it sounds like they've kept the package codes the same in 2005 as they were in 2004. Combined RW, GY, and AF (old packages 1, 2 & 3) because the rear wiper is standard. Dropped BG (old package 8). Also did some renumbering. An advantage to using codes instead of sequential numbers is that they can add/remove/reorder items and not have to change them all. I think if we'd been in the habit of referring to the packages by their codes instead of the numbers we'd be less confused about them right now.
Well I wish Japanses market Prius had rear hatch window wiper. Its only available with winter Pkg. So might be change for 05 Japanese Prius as well??? Is it Pkg selection become more confusing???
oops, Revision #2 on my part) Looks like 2005 AI (#5) is 2004 AI (#5) with the addition of SE/SS . . . So, maybe lettering scheme can change too?????
I've always been disappointed with our choice to use numbers to identify the packages, knowing that Toyota would later reduce the choices down to the most popular ones... which would obviously result in renumbering. And sure enough, that's exactly what happened. So now 9 is 6. But the id is BC still. So had we used the id from the beginning, the switch from 2004 to 2005 would have been a non-issue. But since some have grown fond of the number, I strongly suggest we simply tack the number onto the back of the id like this: GY1 AG2 BI3 AM4 AI5 BC6 That way we are being as informative as we can possibly be (and not confusing anyone with year differences). Plus, we are setting up our messages to be far more practical, since a search on it would pinpoint every reference to that specific package... and only them. That will be pretty handy. Searching for "6" or "BC" is pretty much worthless, obviously. What do you think? I like it, since it is a "hybrid" approach of the two extremes. Pretty cool, eh?
Basic question but... Is the 2005 in essence the same thing as the 2004? If so I'm even more glad I got the 2004. BTW, it's interesting that none of those packages are the same as the Canadian 2004 option package: Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) Premium JBL Audio AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Compact Disc Autochanger 9 Speakers Front Side Airbags Front Head / Side Curtain Airbags Smart Key System Garage Door Opener Electrochromic Rear View Mirror Theft Deterrent System Fog Lamps You know what they need? A damn AUX audio input. Say goodbye to that cassette deck already...
I'm liking the idea myself, as not only does it make sense, it's just more fun. Makes it sound more like a luxury car, right? :mrgreen:
Obviously, you are right that the letter descriptions are the ones to use. But with the new numbers for '05, wouldn't it just add confusion to include the numbers at all? Eug: Dianne has said elsewhere that there will be no changes to the car itself, nor to the colors available. Apparently Toyota (wisely) does not want to stop production to re-tool. She does expect a price increase, though.
What is so bad about having a cassette player in the Prius? If you don't use it, it still doesn't hurt to have it. It is great for others who have a lot of(rare) music on tapes and haven't bothered to convert it to digital format. An audio in port would be great( and so easy) to have but the cassette player doesn't have to be removed for it. These days, one should be able to insert a usb drive or a flash or SD card as well, especially in a car as advanced as the Prius.
Some folks like the cassette deck for books on tape, which are more abundant than books on CD. Personally I'm happy not to have a cassette (I have the "AM" options package) just because I've always had bad luck with cassette decks. Mine always go on the fritz.
So, what happened to the automatic parallel parking option?? I thought we were getting that with the 2005 model.