I purchased a new set of Bridgestone Ecopia 422 plus about a few weeks ago. I have noticed that my mpg has slightly gone up and that the ride is soft but I get this loud road noise that is noticeable at highway speeds. Does anyone have these tires and have they ever noticed this?
I have had them for about 12k miles, great tire IMO. Quiet, reasonably priced, and excellent MPG! I had another set of non eco tires before this for a short time, I couldn’t tell a difference even though these tires were suppose to be really quiet. I returned them to Costco and got the 422’s iPhone ?
Others have said the same thing -- check out this thread from 2015: Bridgestone Ecopia is loud. I want quieter tires. Fuel economy be damned.
The ride is better than Kuhmos I had on. I also saw an increase in my mpg but the noise is still there. I probably have to break them in. I will post an update after 10k.
We put 2 Bridgestone Ecopia EP422 Plus on rear of 2018 Prime, wife told me the same thing, and I feel some too.
There’s an American and Mexican version of this tire. And a rarer Japanese version. The latter was OEM tire on some Prius. All three have tread variations, and other stat variations.
I bought a 2010 Prius ~3 months ago that came with Ecopia 422 Plus tires. I love the car but hate the road noise! The previous owner bought the tires from Costco about a year ago, and they now have about 10k miles, so I think they're broken in. I am a Costco member, but don't expect them to take them back since I didn't purchase them. I guess the alternative is to buy new tires and try to sell the Ecopias to a used tire place. Should I try adding some insulation before changing the tires?