Hey friends - i need some feed back concerning my current Prius and situation. So, my 2007 Prius with 182k miles was recently rear-ended (still drivable thou). My insurance company (Secura Insurance) based out of Appleton, WI had me go to one of their "in network" body shops (Ball Body Shop - Middleton WI) for the initial estimate (only one estimate required by Secura). The body shop did the walk around, write up, picture upload, and then Secura concluded there was $7k in damage. Secura then determined the car was a "total loss" since they felt the value of car was at $4,926 which was generated off a listing of 10 "similar" or comparable vehicles from Madison, Wisconsin to Milwaukee, Wisconsin off of a site or listing known as The Autosource database. Secura then told me as soon as I send them the title they will cut me a check for $4696 (minus $500 deductible and $270 in tax?) AND they will send someone out to tow the vehicle away. Does this all sound legit? This is my first time filing an auto claim and I'm not sure what to make of it all. I will say this, working with Secura has been easy and I haven't felt taken advantage of by Secura, yet. My wife was the one in the accident and she has had good a experience with the medical reps from Secura as well. And wouldn't you know, I just put some newer winter tires on and had the oil changed a few days before the accident. Is there anything I should think about removing prior to the tow truck coming? Is there any market for used floor mats, head rests, tonneau cover, or anything else that is easy for me to remove. IMO, the car is still in really good shape minus the bumper, rear hatch, rear passenger lights, and some interior plastic around and under the flip up trunk storage. The body shop guy did show me where he thinks the frame may have buckled and it caused a portion of the upper rear quarter panel to buckle as well. TIA Bill Curry
People here have had a similar experience and you may get a better answer from someone soon. Here is a link to a way to take the write off and then purchase the vehicle back from the insurance company at a salvage price. Apparently there are some states that do not allow this, you would have to check with the agency. Autotrader - page unavailable Good luck getting it back on the road if that is your choice.
Thank you, Scona - I haven't heard of the buy back option but I will check into it. BUT then again, what would I do with a busted up Prius that has $7k in damage? Part it out or sell it to a private party?
They should be ADDING the tax before they take the deductible, but if you were rear ended, why is your insurance doing it in the first place???? If the other parties insurance makes you that offer, take the money and run!!
This all sounds normal or at least mostly normal- if your insurer is subrogating the claim they should be able to get back your deductible as well. You shouldn't pull any parts off of it as it is about to be purchased by the insurance company, and they anticipate that it will be in just-crashed condition same as the appraisal. That said you can usually get away with a little bit of picking. If you know a local prius driver who needs snow tires, do a fast swap... the tow driver won't know or care about it going on the hook with old tires.
It just seems to me like if the accident is the fault of the other party, there is no reason to involve your own insurance company. Even if they subrogate the claim, it’s never actually “un-filed”. They, at least in my state, will use the claim against you for the purposes of rate recalculation. I had that issue when I changed companies. Luckily I kept the paperwork from my previous company saying they filed a claim on my behalf with the other parties company. In your case, it may not make a difference. But there is always the possibility that it could.
I would look into the replies that mention the other drivers insurance. But I will mention that my first car 25 years ago I got hit and it was deemed totaled. I took out my head unit (radio) that I installed before I turned it in and they took off $50 from my check. So be careful with that.
If it was just cosmetic damages, I may suggested to buy back the totaled car at wholesale value subtracted from your check. Then you can fix it cheap and get rebuilt title on your salvage title you receive from the insurance company, and so on. BUT, with possible frame damage, I would suggest just take the check and go look for replacement. Sorry to hear about your accident, but think this way, you are lucky that insurance is covering it. I am assuming that the fault is on the other party? You should make sure of that fact so your premium will not be affected.
Thank you for the reply. Yes, the other party and their insurance company have assumed responsibility. We were given the option to work directly with the other insurance company or work through ours. We elected to work with ours as we felt that the other company wanted to settle very quickly, especially as it related to them wanting to give a "lump sum" for medical bills. Like you said too, I'm a little leary about a car with a possible bent frame...but if someone else wants to buy my broken baby, and I can make some extra money and they can get a car they want or need, I'd be for that option too.
I'm pretty sure Secura did state we will get our deductible back from other insurance company (and I hope they pay for the tax amount owed too).
I agree - i don't want to get into a game with the insurance company...i'd likely not win that game especially as it relates to missing items for our vehicle.
I would caution buying back the totaled car and selling it. When my son wrecked my old HCH several years ago, it was all cosmetic damages, but insurance called it "totaled" for insurance purpose. It was an older car, but I still had collision coverage on it. Since, it was all cosmetic damages on bumper, fender and side mirror, and since there was no other cars or property involved, it was easy for me to decide to buy it back from the insurance company and have it fixed cheap for my son to drive again. Well, as it turns out, this means you give out the title to the insurance company, you buy back the totaled car from the insurance company at agreed price. The price is subtracted from the check from the insurance. You can now take the totaled car, but it is no longer legal to drive it on road until everything are fixed and car title restored and registered and insured. I had to have the car towed to a body shop to have it repaired first. Then after waiting to receive the salvage title from the insurance company mailed to me. I had to take the salvage title along with proof of repair (or rebuilt) to DMV to get my new restored salvage title for the car. Then I had to get new registration and new insurance on the car. All of this took over two months. The law is different from state to state. Some state have more rigorous check to issue rebuilt title on previously totaled salvage car. Trying to sell previously totaled car may not be easy. So, if you are not keeping the car for yourself, all the time and trouble involved may not be worth the effort of buying back the totaled car.
And too is my gut feeling right now. I doubt the juice would be worth all the squeezing needed at this point. Plus, from an emotional health stand point, I bet/I know my wife would rather see the car gone as a way to gain some closure on the accident that she herself feels bad about too. Plus, I carpooled today with a friend that has a 2017 Prius and that was nice ride.
I would try to look for a set of cheap steel rims on craigslist or offerup. Then sell your winter tires to private party. I did this when I wrecked my Honda Fit. Bought a set of wheels and tires for $40 and took my Enkei wheels off.