Rear Wiper is now standard. And, here is national package content: Package 1 GY : Side/Curtain Airbags Package 2 AG : security system + homelink + Smart Entry Package 3 BI : Side/Curtain airbags, Smart Entry Package 4 AM : Side/Curtain Airbags, Smart Entry, HID headlamps, fog lamps, VSC (vehicle skid control) Package 5 AI : Side/Curtain Airbags, Security System, Homelink, Smart Entry, JBL Audio Upgrade Package 6 BC : Side/Curtain airbags, Security System + Homelink, Smart Entry, HID headlamps, fog lamps, VSC (vehicle skid control) , JBL Audio upgrade, Navigation System with Bluetooth Technology Southern CA packages will be 1, 3, and 6 (or, GY, BI, and BC -- all new package content descriptions). Colors stay the same, and with higher global production, we'll start seeing more cars soon. Better late than never!! Dianne
Only one way to get NAV. Only one way to not get side airbags. Hmmmm. I wonder if there's a message in there, somewhere?... :?
Woo Hoo - thanks as always for the great info. From what I'm seeing, it sounds like the base price could change as well if RW is "included" Any word on that or was it just package info you received? Also, any word on Dealer or port accessories? Toyota going to add XM in there this year? :-D This probably wouldn't come till later, but I'd love to see a way to have an oficial XM accessory vs. something that"s "third partied" for warranty reasons.
KISS Yes: Message: Packages were too complicated, so let's keep it simple! Easier to build them faster.
toyota and nissan pioneered the 'limited options' packages years ago because of the distances in shipping. in 1994 i ordered a pontiac bonneville with exactly the options i wanted (everything available except an engine block heater). you can't do that with the japanese. but the variations that they DO offer probably cover 85% statistically of what is wanted, and the other 15% can either just take the closest match or buy an inferior product... that would be the basic decision.
I am glad to see Toyota including the side-impact air bags in most of the packages. Seems like all new cars should have them. In the long run, they should save a lot of lives. Jeff
i see side impact bags becoming standard equipment in the next 3 years. after the crash test results in europe, i half expected them to be standard this year. and i can see the rear wiper becoming standard. as anyone with a Prius will attest, it aint worth paying extra for... unless they are bigger in the 2005... i was kinda surprised that the NAV and JBL upgrades werent offered as standalone packages...
But...but...what about package#9?! Or is package#6 going to take it's place? I can't remember off-hand what all is included in #9, but it sort of looks like some things are missing from the '05 Package#6. Does Smart Entry include Smart Start as well? Will we retain the voice recognition stuff (which I think is part of the Nav System, though I don't know for sure since the one I rented on my trip didn't have Nav or voice-anything). I do have to say, however, that I am thrilled to see that the impact bags are present on all but package#2 (why doesn't #2 have it, yet #1 does?).
Starbug, Yes, I think BC is BC, regardless of '04 or '05 model year. Having just visited my dealer today to get on the list, I wonder what the build sched will look like with 3 fewer options. I think AM & BC accounted for about 70% of the July build. That bodes well for me since those are the 2 I'm interested in. No so good was the New England allocation of 85 cars. He said there are 75 dealers, though some get no cars. This dealership gets 4-5 a month. Gonna be a LOOOOONG wait! I'm about 75 on the list. Hope that ramp up from 10K to 15K per month starts real soon!
if anything is missing from 6 i cant find it. but i dont have the options so there might be something else but the list looks complete to me. i think the packages are just renumbered and rearranged to make 6 packages instead of 9. having the rear wiper as standard eliminates the old #1 package. and smart start smart entry is one option. and as far as the voice nav, i would think it be the same. although i know of a few people who would gladly do without the voice.
I hope you're right Dave! I love the BC package the way it is! Don't want to miss out on geeky goodness. :lol:
Breathe and revive Starbug! 3 fewer OPTION PACKAGES! However many they were building of the soon to be discontinued packages (ooh, maybe they will be collectables in 35 years like certain squarebacks ;-) ) will be spread around the remaining 6. Hopefully they'll put it all into AMs or BCs so I can get mine a tiny bit quicker (selfish brute!).
ok the old package #1 #2and #3 are gone. they were replaced in fell swoop by the new #1 to refresh the old #1 had just the wiper and the old #3 had the wiper and the side air bags. the old #3 is the same as new #1 except that the wiper is now added as standard equipment... and the new #6 is identical to the old #9 so we arent losing a thing there. keep in mind that in this area as in many others im sure the new 2005 offers MORE options and not less since most of the old packages were not available here anyway (like 2, 4 and 8)
<--could not handle discontinued options for '05 *sits dead in her chair* *twitch* Ooooh, collectible like a certain Squareback... Quick! Get me a discontinued option package so that I can keep it pristine in a temp-controlled garage for the next 35 years! :mrgreen: LOL
Ohhhhhh so glad to hear the new #6 will be identical to the old #9! *is revived from death* YAY!! :multi: :clap: :multi: :clap:
Just to shoot your dreams Star... :twisted: :guns: You still can't say you have a Toyota Prius with Package 9 alright, I'll break out the violin so you can pick up the shattered bits of dreams... :violin: You know I love ya star! :wave: I JUST HAVE TO ADD AN EMOTICON CALLED BOOTYSHAKE... here it is: :bootyshake: hehe I won't even see what it looks like full size til I post this
*falls over laughing* That bootyshake emoticon is hilarious! First time I've ever seen it in full size.
I a follower of the White Album say NOOOO Number Nine. How can this be!!!!! I am glad I got a #9 BC ( BC is good because I have not had a bad day in British Columbia, I have always been treated well, very well) This is a sad day let us morn. The demise of number 9. Jon is gone, George is gone and now number nine. The next thing we know someone will tell us "Paul is dead". He is the walruses??? OK I listened to all the albums up to 69 backwards. Fess up all of those of you have done the same!