I used the Carista app to disable the vent opening on shutdown, and I was working great. Yesterday I had to replace the 12v battery, but for some reason the vent settings reverted to the stock settings. When I check the Carista app, the setting still shows OFF. I’ve tried enabling the setting and disabling it. Even tried unhooking the battery for 15mins and it still opens every time I turn the car off. anyone have any ideas of what I should try next?
I would check the vents are actually moving at all. Sometimes the cold, age, or damage, can make them stick. On a side note... I saw that setting in Carista, and wondered what the pros are of having them remaining closed? I understood the reason it defaults to opening is to allow the warm and humid air trapped inside the cabin to be vented, so your windows are less likely to steam up and clear much faster if they do on colder mornings, plus reducing cabin smells etc in general. But what do some people find outweighs all that?
Update: I actually got the setting to stick by enabling it and disabling it a few times in a row. @The Professor The main reason I like to keep them closed is to avoid diesel/exhaust fumes from getting into the cabin. The setting is pretty nice since it’s somewhat annoying to always re-enable recirculating mode. @Mendel Leisk Yes
So is this what that setting actually does - enables recirculating mode when you turn the car off, so that recirc is already on when you switch the car back on?
I'm wondering the same things as @The Professor , that it would trap humidity, promote mold. I almost never use recirc.
It won’t automatically turn on, but if you have recirculation active the setting will persist next time you start the car.