Winter tires and rims are back on. Last year Mendel Leisk noted that I could cover and protect the hubs using ABS end caps. See conversation below. Worked so well, I did it again this year. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yo: This works with Corolla rims, with the hub spec hub opening and raised lip (p/n 42611-02471, and similar). A 2" ABS end cap is slightly loose, you need push on some sort of rubber band first to fill the gap and keep it secure. Bicycle inner tube sections work.
No PIP rims yet? Thought the Steelies were done and you had to get new tires . But maybe one more winter.
This is more-n-likely just my eyes playing tricks, but now I've gotta ask: the tapered end of those nuts is facing inward? It should be. One more year. Glacial pace, I know...
I’m heading to Iowa Monday where it’ll be 20 for a high and low single digits at night. I wish travel to that neck of the woods would happen at a different part of the year.
Good eye, Mendel. The nuts were not put on the right way. This has now been corrected. Next time I am near a mirror I will give the mechanic a piece of my mind Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Man I don't know how you guys handle that cr@p. Sacramento has days in the 40's. Sometimes in the upper 20's or 30's on a cold night, and that's way too cold for comfort. If I can't be comfortable in shorts and a tank top, it's too cold. We will probably be forced out by taxes and lame politics one day (our Governor is an idiot) but when that happens, we are heading for the desert !
Ice pellets followed by snow today. Overall, the Prius handles well in this weather. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.