i know there are many threads on here about this, and was hoping to get verification on my plan. bought a used vehicle a year ago. currently has 118k miles. headlamp covers have some fogginess, but not much. thinking of getting these LEDs: thinking, maybe, of getting either of these (not sure if there's a difference aside from price): are there any compatibility issues with the proposed LEDs? better options out there? for the lamps, is it worth the upgrade at 118k miles? i live in the pacific NW, so dark, rainy streets where the current halogens basically show nothing on the road unless there are reflectors installed. any other considerations i should make while doing this swap? upgrade other lights while i'm in there? thanks
I have a headlight restoration kit that I plan to use on our other (non-Prius) car, but I don't know how good such products are; maybe others here do.
I used this Sylvania kit on my headlight (only one needed the work). It required a little elbow grease, but the results were excellent: About 20USD. I don't know about the 'Lifetime Warranty' bit...:
I used a 3m kit that attaches a sanding pad to a battery powered hand drill. It goes through a series of finer and finer grit sandpaper, then polish, and then a sealer. it was about $20...I used the kit on several cars and they all looked great. I don't still have any of those cars but it lasted at least a few years on the one I kept the longest (2006 Prius). I have also used a white sock and Deep Woods off....not as perfect and not as long lasting but good for a temporary fix. (about a year). Spray the insect repellent on the lens and rub hard with the sock...you'll see the yellowing coming off onto the sock.
I've used these on other cars and had fantastic results. But every time I use it on my Prius it doesn't do much. In thinking I might just replace that housing. I already replaced the driver's side since I accidentally melted it SM-G965U ?
I've had great results replacing the standard low beam halogens with the plug and play Hikari LED headlights. Check out bulbfacts for review.
Funny I was looking at bulb facts this morning. How do you like them in the high beam? I have them for low beam and am overall pleased but they do a piss poor job when driving wet roads at night. I'm thinking I might want some yellow fog lights. SM-G965U ?
And I am having good results so far with the passive heat sink, no-fan version of the SeaLight LEDs for the low beams on our 2012 hatchback.
I have them installed as low beam only. Still have the halogens as high beam. Don't use high beam often.