My 2012 Prius v, 70k miles, recently started dripping oil (or some other dark, oily fluid.) The car has been problem-free, last oil change was in January at the dealer. We took a trip into the mountains two weekends ago, and we came home, parked the car, and two days later, I noticed a small stream of oil on the pavement. I drove the car around, parked it on a slight incline (front pointing down), and another few drops were on the pavement the next morning. Thought maybe it was dirt+oil, and the AC condensation was causing the drips, so I took the car to the car wash, had an undercarriage wash done, did not turn on AC/heat, drove home. Parked the car on a flat surface... no leaks. If I park the car on an incline, front facing uphill... sometimes a drop or two, but not always. If I park facing downhill, I get anywhere from a few drops to a small stream (approximately 3-4 ft long). I'm worried about taking it to the dealer, having read about $2k services. Any thoughts on what might be causing the leak/drip when parked front-end facing downhill? Things I can check before taking it in?
Is your undertray in place? Could be small quantity of oil pooling on tray, then leaking over edge or through access hole in tray. Dipstick quantity looks OK?
Oil seems fine. Cold it is closer to the low marking, warm it is closer to the middle. Also, it is still golden yellow on the dipstick, whereas whatever is dripping on the ground is dark and looks like well-used oil. I would expect the oil to be closer to light than dark - oil change was two months ago, and we've only driven ~900 miles since. Yay for working from home.
If you dont wan to go the dealer then take it somewhere it can be inspected. At least verify oil filter is the correct size and a gasket is installed. I dont like to say oil changes are rushed but apparently oil changes should be quick last fast food places. People dont take their time and get rushed and accidentally install wrong filter, forget to install gasket that popped off, or tighten the filter properly. Best case you have the start of a new leak but Id start there first at least.
sometimes the timing chain cover develops a leak. you have to clean the engine and then inspect for the leak area.
Or whoever changed it the last time spilled some into the tray, and with warmer weather it is now leaking out when on an incline. Dipstick quantity indication should show at least middle of the crosshatched area of the stick, when cold. If the dipstick level is not changing, you are not leaking the current batch of in-service oil.
Based on your post, my take is you are not one that frequents your cars with a wrench. Take it to the same Dealership, have the pull the belly pan and do a wash/inspect. You might get lucky and it's just spillage from the last service, but being that was in January, it's likely you have a leak that needs addressing. Most of the common places have been mentioned, but unless you want your driveway looking like slots at the grocery store, get it checked.
Took it to the dealer Friday. They said the oil drain plug had not been reinserted properly after the last oil change (which they did at the end of January,) and caused oil to spill onto one of the plastic trays. They apologized profusely, fixed the issue, and are replacing a missing tow hook cover free of charge (including the Blizzard Pearl paint.) Hopefully that is the end of that. Oil level was fine the times I checked it while I was seeing leaks, so I don’t think there was a chance of long-term damage.
Just had a massive oil leak by the time I discovered the pool of oil under my Prius I had lost 4 quarts of oil! Filled the oil took it to my local garage, turned out to be a defective oil pressure switch! $140.00 plus tax