Dr Elon Musk I have to confess during the cyber truck reveal that when the window broke (after showing the audience the ball falling on the flat glass did not break) I thought for fraction of a second that this was a safety improvement! That perhaps you were showing a safety feature that you could break the side windows in a emergency but it is still stronger then normal windows. I was advancing the video a few seconds here and there and missed the earlier hints, of course rewinding and re-watching I see its an unplanned accident. Anyway I want a truck, I love it, however It being Electric and having no door handles I want one with the breakable side windows, I'm not too worried about it being bullet proof. I am aware enough to not take naps with autopilot on and I wont be requiring to summoning my Tesla by phone without knowing if children and pets are playing around my car is or if any flat beds are around but I cant change the bullet proof windows myself. I do like the extra strong unbreakable windshield but for my side windows -i want the breakable version- will this upgrade be offered? William Pearce -If I could please ask contributors to not refer to any accidents. -I often wondered why Tesla thinks its OK to release innovations that don't seem ready like autopilot, summoning, or how cars can be sold with no escape. -I have always been against self driving cars until they can can pass a drivers test like the rest of us. (self driving includes autopilot and summoning too) What version do you want breakable or unbreakable side windows?
if they are meeting all government requirements, i'm good. from what i've read, they are one of the safest cars on the road.
Its a super safe car for sure I agree! I'm referring only to those innovations mentioned. So bisco for you free truck? you want breakable or unbreakable side windows ? (my pretend unbreakable model has a manual release inside the cabin) pretend please both are approved please choose one -do you prefer breakable or unbreakable side windows ?
you're putting me on the spot in almost 50 years of driving, i have never given any consideration to the windows. so i guess i'm going to have to go with the mind of elon. i could be making a mistake, but his track record speaks for itself. and if .gov isn't concerned, i'm not sure i should be.
thank you for taking part in my silly survey/game I think you have chosen unbreakable side windows I trust if I misunderstood you will correct it i will ship your truck soon
These were never made to be "unbreakable", they are extremely tough. I strongly suspect the windows will break using the same type of tool used to break windows easily.
There is a lot of stuff I want to see tested. The glass being one. Another being the general safety collision tests. I tank can survive a ton of damage, the contents, not so much. I am sure Tesla is on top of that, but I still want to see it in action.
The Glass is being marketed as bulletproof. The glass does not shatter even if punctured as an old school window, it still holds strong together . I've heard it described as Gorilla glass like device protectors but thicker with layers and glass. I don't see it as an improvement on side windows for a public vehicle , its a liability, a want to know I can escape and first respondents can get in without too much effort . I am way less likely to be shot at then needing an emergency exit in a collision . Presumably there is an an emergency door release hatch, but in a collision -doors jam. I want to know I can get out on my own steam. Window are functional emergency exits. I don't want bullet proof side windows. Send me my free truck Elon.
I appreciate all your comment and that's great however please also feel free to take part in my silly survey: Do you want : Breakable side windows? ( similar to old school windows or a wee little stronger) or Bulletproof, very strong, very difficult to break, side windows? If you had a choice between these two options and both were offered and approved and cost the same what one do you want?
False choice. With the right tool, I don't believe they will be difficult to break. IF they are overly difficult to break, and there are no other ways to make a quick exit in an emergency, then no, I wouldn't want them. However, until I see them tested, I can't conclude they will be difficult to break.
"False choice" Thank You Zythryn, I should have an option 3 "Undecided", I've corrected the survey. (but no free truck for you) Breakable side windows? ( similar to old school windows or a wee bit stronger) or Bulletproof, very strong, very difficult to break, side windows? or Undecided
That one is easy. Far more people die trapped in car fires, and in submerged cars, than in vehicle shootings. How bulletproof? What kind of rating does it have? If it is anything like body armor, commonly but ignorantly misrepresented by outsiders as "bulletproof vests", then it could come in any of many possible grades, ranging from medium handgun ammunition through multiple steps up to at least big game rifle ammunition. (It is very impractical for ordinary law enforcement to use the highest grade vests, for weight and thermal reasons). I doubt that Musk would use the same grade glass armor as used in Presidential limos. (I must note that so-called 'bulletproof glass' hasn't really failed when the glass appears horridly shattered, but the missile is still kept outside.)
The next time I watch the infamous cybertruck product launch will be the first time I watch it, but I seem to remember the "truck's" glass as being shatterproof, and not bullet resistant. I also remember something about the truck's skin being able to stop a 9x19mm pistol round - something that might or might not be moderately useful if you live in LA. I'm sure that if Elon or one of his lackeys mentioned that his truck's doors are 9mm proof then some YouTube star out there will put it to the test.... BUT(!) Stopping one pistol round one time doesn't make something "bullet proof." The standard issue Kevlar flack jacket I wore in the military WOULD stop a 9x19 round, but it was also significantly heavier than a standard police issue NIJ Level 2 vest that IS rated to stop a 9mm pistol round. However (COMMA!) the military never rated their flack jackets as being 'bullet proof." SO.....what's the diff? That depends on which side of the vest you're on, doesn't it? I wonder if Tesla's legal team buys antacid in bulk? As far as the windows are concerned, I remember seeing something about the iconic Lamborghini Countach having an OEM hammer for emergency egress because of it's unusual doors/glass. We live in a nation that is hyper-regulated. I'm pretty sure that dot.gov is going to have to give Elon's "truck" an up-check before they let buyers register them for on-road use, and I'm also "pretty" sure that vehicle egress is going to figure in this. Given Elon's ability to stick to a time line, I'm also thinking that we'll have plenty of time to sort all this out.
The reveal was interesting to me. Like the OP, I was distracted by the show. On initial viewing I thought the "Armored Glass" was neat, watching the "magic" trick demonstrations of it's un-breakability. It was't until later that I realized that being surrounded by unbreakable glass could lead to a lot of rather dangerous situations. I think the driving safety standard is you don't want glass that shatters, but you do want glass that is breakable. Tesla makes unique, groundbreaking vehicles. I don't know if they weren't trying a little too hard with the truck. As consumers do we need a vehicle designed beyond a seeming military assault level? It will appeal to some people, but I think for the majority, we don't need a bullet proof truck, that can withstand sledgehammer blows. To the reveal, and the product, there was almost a adolescent immaturity to it, IMO. It really was the vehicle you doodled in your notebook, after reading a comic graphic novel, when you were 14. It would be the vehicle you'd want in a Zombie Apocalypse, or if you were riding with Charlize Theron down Fury Road. But is it the vehicle you want if you want groceries, or to pick up some things at Home Depot? And yes, for everyday usage, I think you have to reconsider the wisdom of surrounding an occupant in a coccoon of unbreakability. Too many scenarios where that could hamper a rescue, or on impact maybe create excessive damage to the other vehicle. Plus, if it can withstand full sledgehammer blows, how hard does it fight the rescue "Jaws of Life"? No give me breakable glass, and the metal doesn't have to be Adamantium.
no worse, and many things better than picking up groceries in an f150. both unnecessary for the task. home depot? if it won't fit in my prius, i take the truck. the cyber truck would work as well, or better.
Think you're kind of missing my point. Only using "picking up grocieries" or things at Home Depot as an example, because I think it's a common standard people apply to their "truck" usage. Despite commercials of trucks pulling up ancient embedded tree stumps or hauling tons of industrial slabs of metal, most of us just load up at IKEA or Home Depot. Not really arguing that trucks are overkill for most usage themselves or which is more unnecessary. But it seems clear to me, that the Tesla Truck is designed to almost a military assault vehicle standard.
Reminder Please help me with my SILLY survey if you haven't answered. (I have modified this a bit from above) Elon says he will ship you a free truck Now! You have to choose one of two options NOW based on what you know NOW for your (prototype) truck to ship. Both are approved you have only 2 options. Breakable side windows, similar to old school windows, or stronger like some manufacturers including Tesla have in premium cars that have upgraded the side windows strenght but NOT to standards close to or marketed as "armoured" or "bulletproof" or Bulletproof,or Armored defined for now, as very strong, very difficult to break, side windows as seen in 3 videos so far that have been released. The reveal ball drop, the ball break, the after video Tesla released. This is the new feature, the fantastic upgrade if you want it.