From the manual: On the label of the cheapest SuperTech coolant concentrate: And from what I have read, I believe it is a hybrid organic acid technology coolant. So it seems suitable for use in a Prius and is the cheapest coolant I am aware of (especially when using concentrate; $9.88 plus up to $1 for distilled water makes two gallons, while two gallons of pre-diluted Zerex or genuine Toyota coolant would cost around $30 or $50, respectfully). Since I was doing a full coolant flush while doing head work, I decided to try it, thinking it should work perfectly fine. Well once I filled the system I found a problem... Spoiler The coolant is the same color as the reservoir!! You can barely see it!
BTW. I remember SuperTech coolant used to be green. While I was getting the coolant I saw most of the bottles had a new label, but there were some left with the old label. Next time I saw they were gone. I thought they just changed the label but apparently they changed the formula as well. Information on the back is slightly different too. Here's the old label vs the new label.
I thought they use Phosphates? Just reading up on the Prime manual just now it excludes all those as well but does NOT mention "no Phosphates". moto g(7) power ?
Question: why (why?) go on the cheap for a product (an IMPORTANT product) that will go 100,000 miles INSIDE your cooling system? Why?
I have a couple reasons I've done this in the past. 2017 Alfa Romeo Guilia lease I did not want to buy yet another spec coolant, (just to top off on a 27 month lease,) when I already have maybe 8 different types (I believe 12 gallons/partial gallons) from the other cars we've had in my lifetime. 2018 Honda Clarity PHEV-. Had a burning smell driving in hybrid mode on the way to a birthday party on Saturday. Sunday morning when I had a chance to check what was wrong I found the HV battery coolant somewhat low, and dealers closed I went to AutoZone for some coolant. (I ALMOST made the mistake of non-phosphate enhanced coolant but rechecked what I was holding and swapped it with the phosphate enhanced stuff). moto g(7) power ?
Because I'm cheap, and I'm confident that this coolant is perfectly suitable for this cooling system and any more expensive coolant is just a waste of money. But there is only one way to find out for sure and I am willing to experiment.
I stick with Toyota Super Long Life, because I can't be bothered to exhaustively check the compatibility of something else. Following the Canadian schedule for me, it's going to be once every ten years. Ten, even twenty bucks difference, cheap price to avoid the uncertainty.
I have never understood the logic in spending tens of thousands of dollars on any vehicle...only to cheap out maintaining said vehicles.
While shopping at Walmart, you can by the legit Zerex (Valvoline) equivalent to SLLC for $12.48/gallon. That's not as cheap as the "universal" concentrate, but less likely to result in easily avoided disaster.
I do believe the Asian manufacturers use a P-HOAT formula, (phoshpate enhanced): Engine Coolant – Choosing the Right Type for Your Car | Valvoline™<br /> That said a little top off may not hurt... moto g(7) power ?