Safe travels to all traveling in their PRIME for the holiday. Sounds like there will be 3 storms out there wanting to do damage to you. I remember that thread about how much some of you can pack into the hatchback. I just hoping to be able to get all the leftovers in mine. I will also be watching for PRIMES in the wild. Stay safe !!! PRIME ON !!! (Make that TURKEY DAY)
Might want to edit (or have @Tideland Prius do that). Based on the title, I thought there’d be some real key work being done. Gotta love auto correct. We’re staying local (and having 20 plus at our house). I bet I’ll see a couple around Turkey day though.
I genuinely thought this thread would be about the new Tesla turkey, erh, I mean truck. You can edit the title yourself for a few hours, there IS a button, somewhere in vicinity of the first post, for the thread starter (you).
'Tis said to be the busiest travel weekend of the year. The Bear-mobile still has it's sheep on the ECO dashboard but went from 1st place to 529th. Electric driving is more fun, but the Prime acquits itself well as a hybrid on these occasional more distant adventures. Mrs. Bear baked an amazing apple and cranberry pie to bring along -- and we had no problem fitting it into the Prime -- or into the Old Bear himself. A happy Thanksgiving to all.
Safe travels to all! (Even if you’re only going as far as the fridge for another piece of Pumpkin Pie!) Happy Thanksgiving!
For some reason I read "Happy fasting", and said to myself, "What a meaningful idea - how about we express thanks for the blessings of life by hypercalorieing and detoxing our internal ecosystem instead of overindulging and having to deal of brain fog and sad tummy"
^ like/don't like. I'm usually a reluctant mostly plant eater, and thus I'm familiar with the Tofurkey. I've declared a personal holiday from my pescatarianism for our national day of Thanks, travel, gluttony, and watching one-percenters play REAL football!!! Sadly, next will be back to fake food for me with one small advantage to look forward to: No turkey leftovers for me!!! Man... What an appetite-kill that thing is.....
I loves me some Tofurky. I dont know why, but the gravy seems to be good. My two youngest love it too, at 5 and 8 yo, so we have it often, every month or so For Tday we normally make 1-2 Tofurky and also 1-2 different variation/recipe of our own plant based roast. We were strictly plant based 2 years, but ventured about 5% off course (pun?) in the last few months for variety. My 15 yo daughter refuses to eat anything that is not a plant, even sustainable fish.
Looks like it's going to be stormy Turkey Day here. We are not going anywhere, but not sure if our family can get here either. Hope the turkey is not going to be wasted. Everyone have a Happy TG day and Drive safe if you have to.
We've been watching a lot of this guy's videos, very meditative. The specific video, building a Longhouse: The channel: My Self Reliance - YouTube
Our daughter did that a few times, away from the house, fire extinguisher at the ready. Her and hubby had the drill down. They monitored the temp closely, and the initial dip in was something you did graduallllllly.