Well, I just returned from a high school basketball game. Went to get some popcorn and this truck was being talked about. Everyone (maybe 5 people in line and a few kids) agreed it was just too far out there for their tastes. You may be surprised to know though that the kids (high schoolers) seemed interested in an electric truck. Not because it was electric, but because electric vehicles are fast. lol But they didn't like the looks either... ahh the joys of being young.
...because you are logged in there. Everyone else sees a broken link, because the photo isn't public.
My first thought was The Johnny Cab from Total Recall. What is the purpose of the tiny little back seat in that "Cyber"truck? I do like the tailgate ramp though.
I could care less about looks and will probably own a 2021 one in 20 years once the price drops into the low 4’s. I don’t think Musk can base a business on that though.
If you gave the job to 100 designers and told then no curves, sheet metal only, and design it to be as aerodynamic as possible. They would all have almost all the same designs just like this. What other shape could it possibly have if you don't want waste.
agreed. but the consumer could care less. and if people don't buy it, how does it help? thats why musk has always advocated performance, because green doesn't sell.
In an "unrushed" presentation - one would have watched a video of the "not-ready-for-reveal-yet" pickup .... but now, truly ready. It'd be pulling a max length 5th wheel recreational trailer, up hill, passing a coal rolling - black smoke belching, turbo cummons, pulling a much smaller lighter 5th wheel. Passed in under 6 seconds. But no ...... Missed opportunities .
I've said that before about efficient vehicles in general. Other than size, modern commercial airplanes look about the same to the average joe.
After a day and a half and a few discussions, I am less critical than I was. Yesterday I stopped by a Tesla store and was chatting with one of the sales guys there. A sizeable Silverado pulls up and an older gentleman with his dog get out. He starts talking with another of the sales guys about the Cybertruck. Nowhere in the conversation I heard was the looks discussed. All of his questions were about the capabilities of the vehicle. I don't see this as a big seller in quantity, but I am starting to see it has more potential than I thought.
The Model S outsold its ICE competitors on release. Have they made claims about it plowing snow? Tesla is pushing for EVs to replace ICEs, but I'm sure they are aware of their limitations. The long range truck might not have a problem though.