The cabin air filter I've been using for 15 years is part # 87139-47010-83. However, the latest part number I was given for my 2004 Prius is 87139-YZZ19. While it fits, it isn't as well made as the previous part number. Did Toyota cheapen the product, or was I sold the wrong filter? Any suggested aftermarket cabin air filter as a replacement for OEM?
I can't answer your questions about part numbers, sorry. But that's because I don't consider the CAF to be a hyper-critical part. Then again, I don't have asthma, allergies, or any other respiratory problems. I buy the cheapest CAF I can find and change it every 6 months. Last time I bought 3 of the TYC brand from Amazon. They cost a mere $3.20. They seem to do the job just fine.
Toyota’s application chart (PDF) shows that part number 87139-YZZ19 is valid for 2001–2009 Prius cars, but the “YZZ” means it’s locally sourced as a substitute, presumably to be sold at a competitive price. See footnote 8: “Warranty Part Number: Please use 87139-47010-83 (Pollen).” In other words, if a dealer has to replace the filter as part of a warranty repair, they are required to use the original part.
Yep, and it looked like a piece of crap as at most it will just keep the leaves out. I'd been given a gift certificate a while back and I used it up buying a stock of cabin & engine air filters. This was the last cabin filter; all the rest of the cabin filters were the correct 87139-47010-83 filter. I'll do an Internet search to find the correct filter as I'm sure I can beat dealer pricing. I looked at the chart and it states right there that the YZZ filter won't block dust & pollen, just debris & "odors".
odors should be the charcoal filter, which is a different part number. i like the oems, they are made well and fit correctly. and i get a lot more than 15k out of them i tried a few aftermarket and wasn't satisfied.
Well, the YZZ one from Toyota may have some charcoal sprinkled on it as it looked dirty right out of the box (besides not having finished edges) and seems very porous compared to the regular filter. Once I get home, I'll order the correct Toyota filter online and maybe compare the quality to those like the FRAM one at your FLAPS.
I just made this mistake a few months ago when i replaced both filters. Bought the 83 by accident and when i got it i thought they sent the wrong part. It appears the YYZ is a charcoal activated filter so that is why it is much beefier and does more than just keep the leaves and dust out. Edit: Wrong YYZ, here is the premium one i was talking about 87139-YZZ03
Picked up a filter a few days ago from Puente Hills Toyota - in person. Their web site listed 87139-47010-83 but what the guy gave me was 87139-YZZ81. See the image three.png for a comparison between the old (very dirty) filter and the new one, with the frame also present. The alternate filter was well made, but obviously very different from the original. Note that it has a thick felt like "wall" on two opposing edges and just the paper filter material on the other two edges. At first the new one was inserted the "easy" way, with the felt walls under the heavy rectangular tabs, see horizontal.png. This was "easy" because the filter bends easily along the pleats, but not across them. Unfortunately in this orientation the edge of the pleats is shoved back slightly by the triangular tabs in the mount, which will let a bit of dirt through. Took it out and inserted it the other way (it is square, so either way fits), see vertical.png. It had to be bent somewhat awkwardly to do this, but the fit was better. With the heavy felt up against the triangular tabs no open path was present there. Unfortunately this did leave a very small gap under the rectangular tabs (not quite visible in the picture). All that being said, the original filter was worse in this regard, exposing holes through the frames under both types of tabs. It was slightly smaller than the frame, had it truly extended "wall to wall" it would not have exposed those holes. Seems like a silly design choice by Toyota to have those holes in the "ledge" part of that filter holder. They don't appear to serve any purpose when in use. Perhaps the way this part is made it could not be cast unless those holes were present. Note, a cabin filter for a 2012 Corolla was purchased at the same time. It was the same sort of filter only a slightly different size, and its number ended in 82 instead of 81. That Corolla had no cabin filter frame so all we could do was shove the filter into the designated slot and hope for the best. Three.png: horizontal.png: vertical.png: