Commentary SUV, You're Fired! You are what you drive. I’ve never watched one of these Survivor shows, but as I understand it, people get voted off the island. They seem to have come up with almost every conceivable variation on this theme—or so they think! But I’ve got a new one. Instead of voting people off, what if the U.S. consumer voted particular types of cars, trucks, and SUVs off our U.S. "island"? What would win? By what rationale? Popularity? Fuel efficiency? Style and color? Safety? Morality? These considerations are not mutually exclusive, of course. But which would dominate? With the recent spike in gas prices, more people seem to be voting for fuel-efficient vehicles like hybrids. For the first four months of the year, sales of the Toyota Prius were up 80 percent from 2003. Read rest of article by clicking this link. Jeff
I suspect old, rusted, dented pickups with mismatched cab and fenders would run away with the show. They seem to be everywhere regardless of year of manufacture or make.