I purchased my 2020 Prime on July 17, 2019 and I'm still on the first tank of fuel. I currently have 3,784 miles on the clock and about 7/8 of fuel left in the tank. I live in Atlanta proper and most of all traveled locations (e.g., work, child's school, shopping, entertainment, etc.) are in relative close proximity to home. It's worth mentioning my wife and I remain diligent with using the Level 2 EVSE installed at home and my wife is able to charge at work on the occasion she drives the car so that helps. Anyhow, what's the most miles you've traveled between fill-ups?
My first fill up was just over 6000 miles. It took 6.5 gallons. My second fill up won’t be till next year sometime. I have just over 12,000 miles on my car, and still have a half a tank left. I have owned the car since December 2017.
I “cold” drive totally in EV mode but intentionally run in HV to exercise the ICE enough to burn half a tank per year to keep the fuel from going stale.
Weird - we bought ours knowing it would be a great road trip vehicle when we don't need the full cargo space of my VW wagon. Y'all couda bought a Bolt or something with your use patterns!
I got 2800mi last tank. About 1300 (and counting) this tank with 1bar of fuel left. I go to work and back on EV, but last month took a road trip. That's exactly why I got the Prime though. EV for the week and to run errands. Gas tank for weekend getaways... otherwise I would have gotten a Leaf
Some impressive numbers here! Thanks for sharing. My goal is to see if I can get to 5,000 miles on my first tank. Should be easily doable since I'm quickly closing in on 4,000 miles.
Mine is too! I bought a 2020 Prius LE and my goal is to always get above 55 mpg. So far, I've had the car for a week and five days, and I've gotten around 68 mpg. Amazing! Sorry, just saw this forum is for Prime owners only. Sorry.
No problem. Welcome to PC. You can comment on any section of the forum even if you don't drive the car for the thread. BTW, Is your new car regular Prius LE? If so, you may want to fix your profile. It currently says 2020 Prius PRIME. Enjoy your new Prius and Amazing fuel efficiency.
I got my Prius Prime three weeks ago. I just did my first fill-up a couple days ago, after 1000 miles!
I thought I was doing good with 2,000 miles per tank! I'm glad to see that there is many people out there getting similar stellar mpg's.
Great stats. But some of you folks need to take a vacation. Since March last year, I've had three tanks of over 2,500 miles. There's always some kind of road trip that makes me get gas again. Biggest one was a year ago and it was about 6,000 miles that took 106 gallons. Aside from that long trip, I've used right at 100 gallons to cover 14,000 miles. I've bought gas 20 times since I got the car in March last year and 15 of those fill-ups were on that big road trip. I'm a little over 1,000 miles on this tank and still have 7/8 of the tank left. Almost time for another trip!!