I recently bought another 2014 Prius and want to disable that annoying beeping when backing up, as I did in my other 2014 when I bought it new. However, I bought it from a Nissan dealer who said they couldn’t do it and I would need to go to the Toyota dealer. It looks like it’s simple enough to do with an OBD2 reader and a smartphone app, so I’m wondering if anyone has any advice RE the best reader and app to get. I figure I might as well spend the money on that rather than the dealer, since I could use the reader and app in the future if I need to read any check engine codes. Is it useful for other things too? Thanks.
You will need Techstream. That is the FIRST thing I did when I got it! That was/is one of the dumbest ideas Toyota, or anyone, has ever had!
I use a ScanGauge II to get any 4 of about 100 gauges on my v (I mostly look at RPM, Instant MPG, Intake air Temp, and Engine Water Temp, but check Voltage as well) The scangauge is pricey but reliable. I have used it to get one beep in Reverse in my and my sister's v, and my brother's and daughter's Primes. www.amazon.com/ScanGauge-Automotive-Computer-Customizable-Real-Time/dp/B000AAMY86 I bought and played with Torque, it works but needed more time than I was able to give it. It is dramatically cheaper and uses Android. Torque — OBD2 Performance and Diagnostics for your Vehicle There are others I have not played with. (I don't own an iPhone) Carista OBD2 App | Diagnose, customize and service your car
Can confirm carista app for iPhone can turn off reverse beep and seatbelt beep. Those are the two that seemed important to me when I did it. Part of me was thinking there was maybe 1 or 2 other options you could change, but it’s been quite a while since I’ve used that app. Car scanner allows you to make changes too if you pay for the pro version which I have not, so not sure which exact ones are available. -Spiral
Disconnecting the battery did not reset the beeping to default when I did it a couple weeks ago. I haven’t tried any other ELM27 device, so as of now you’d have to use a Carista device. If I have time, I’ll try using my other device. Despite Grit detesting Carista @$20, it has been a solid device, just more expensive compared to other ones available on eBay (but also cheaper than others...my first one was $100). I got it since it was recommended for iPhone from Dr. Prius App. I honestly can’t comment on android apps or devices. -Spiral
I got my 2012 V about 2 months ago. At first, it would do the beeping when in reverse. Also, there were a lot of settings the PO had in there. I ended up swapping in a new 12V battery, and in the process had the 12V disconnected for a long time - like a day or more. When finally getting things reconnected, and without doing anything else, all kinds of memory / settings / radio presets etc. were gone, and there has been no reverse beeping ever since then. So maybe the 12V battery disconnection needs to exist for a sufficiently long time. Not sure. But I do know I did nothing specific to kill the beeps, and they are now gone.
RE Priustweak: You still need a dongle to connect to. RE Dr. Prius App: I was looking at this page on their site: Hybrid battery diagnostic and repair tool for Toyota and Lexus I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the beeps with a solution that will work but will also give me the ability later to read codes, in case the check engine light comes on. I don't mind paying a little extra now to have that capability later, but it's confusing to figure out exactly what to buy. The $20 Carista pack looks promising, since I can use the free trial to turn off the backup beeping now and then use the paid features later, if I need them. ScanGauge and some of those other pro tools seem like overkill to me. This isn't something I'll use much, since I would rather go to my trusted mechanic to deal with things.
Good luck finding a dongleless solution for this. Mine was $4.99 and priustweak was free plus other apps that can pull codes at no charge. If $20 is the way to go then be my guest.
I'm not trying to find a dongleless solution - I'm trying to figure out the best dongle + app (I have an iPhone) solution that works best without wasting money, since it seems that there are plenty of worthless cheap dongles out there. (Not a surprise, since cheap knock-offs are everywhere.) But that said, it doesn't mean that a cheap dongle is necessarily bad, and there are expensive solutions that apparently aren't very good either. So, which dongle did you buy?
Techstream is the best. You can find it on amazon and ebay. Average price is $25. You just need an older losedoz laptop to use it. Then you can do a lot of things with that. It was designed for Toyota.
For Android devices, I used the Dr. Prius app with the OBDlink LX bluetooth module. I stumbled upon the seatbelt and reverse beep settings in one of the other settings dropdown menus. It still beeps ONCE when you first put it into reverse, and does an initial three or four beeps for the seatbelt, but then shuts up. I have had an occasional failure to connect the Dr. Prius app to the OBDlink device, but it was usually because Torque Pro was competing with it and had already linked. Totally shutting down the Torque app, then exiting and re-entering the Dr. Prius app has always worked to establish a bluetooth link. Using a 2 year old Samsung S8 phone.
If any of you people who know how to adjust these settings could answer this question, I'd be immensely grateful: might there be a way to enable the beeper for when you have B mode rather than Reverse? (Please, no discussion of B mode pros and cons! This is a technical, software question). Thanks!
I think what you mean is there is no KNOWN by you way of doing that. When I hear it from a few tech specialists who have tried to do it, I will believe it. To be clear, I am asking about something that is already possible with one gear, R, to be enabled for another gear, B.