Some guy just responded to my Craigslist ad for Prius parts from my two parts cars and wants to buy the catalytic converters. I assumed he had a Prius, but he's just buying cats. I understand these cars have two cats all part of a single welded exhaust system. I have to think they'd be worth more to a Prius owner than a recycler. Does the fact that are flood cars ruin the cats? I assume there are ox sensors on the assembly as well, do this ruin in water? He hasn't offered a price, just asked what I want. I assume he just buys from people who don't know what they're worth - like me. I figure I should keep one assembly in case I ever need it. What would the other one be worth? I know Toyota gets huge dollars for a new one, but you can buy aftermarkets for less than $200, then pay to have a shop weld them on.
there's a fellow here who offers to buy them for the metals. a private sale to someone who needs one for their car would be supply and demand, and how to determine if it's good? in cali, you can only replace with an oem.
Yeah, lots of folks buy them online, and the guy calling me is probably like the guy online. Can't imagine how CA inspectors could tell that you replaced the original with a salvage. Seems like someone out there would want to buy mine for more than the scrappers will pay.
Ron, they probably wouldn't even look. Mostly they look for codes. If the replacement cat is professionally done, it shouldn't stand out. CA cars can be recatted with aftermarket, just can't ship the parts to California (or NY, for that matter.) A little road trip to Reno, Ashland or Medford, Vegas, or Kingman, Tucson, or Phoenix (Yumer too) would do the trick. I had the cat on my 02 done at Midas (I provided the cat.) with parts it came to about $200. I wouldn't bother with a used cat. If the pipes are okay, a new universal cat will do the trick.
I had my cat stolen from my car a couple weeks ago, and saw two other gen1 prius for sale with stolen cats! The only source for them (for California) is the Toyota dealer, and they are $850 + shipping, for the whole center section with two cats and resonator. I gave one a week before to a friend who had his stolen (I found out later when I wanted it back!). I actually drove to Nevada to get one I could put on my car for $200 so get the check engine light to go off. I could use another one, particularly the one that attaches to the manifold, it has a flange that is not easy to find (well, impossible it seems, they only come with the cat, which only comes with the rest of the exhaust..).
Well, I have one, but I can't sell it cheap - I got $450 for the other one from the guy that called just for the metal in the two cats, and he came by and took it off (although it wasn't real hard. But if you want it, I'm willing.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who does this, mine are gen 2 tho. I just learn best using an Oklahoma roadmap (aka, reverse engineering) (aka, taking apart the remote control)
Source: California family members plead guilty to role in $600m catalytic converter ring | US crime | The Guardian Three members of a California family pleaded guilty on Monday to conspiracy for their role in a ring that shipped $600m worth of stolen catalytic converters from California to New Jersey, federal prosecutors said. Brothers Tou Sue Vang, 32, and Andrew Vang, 28, along with their mother, Monica Moua, 58, were part of “a national network of thieves, dealers, and processors” who provided the stolen auto anti-smog devices to a metal refinery for more than $600m, according to a statement from the US attorney’s office. Twenty-one people from California and New Jersey have been charged in the case, prosecutors said. The three Sacramento family members pleaded guilty to conspiring to transport the devices in return for more than $38m. . . . Given the total cost of a stolen catalytic converter is likely 10x the blackmarket price, $380 m of pain and suffering on the victims, insurance, and justice. But I'm open to a more fact based, cost multiplier. Bob Wilson
I recently sold a cat for $785. X10 seems a bit high for the victim. I read a stupid article this morning - Hawaii Figured Out How To Stop Catalytic Converter Theft, Why Hasn’t Your State? and this article confirms what I thought. Hawaii can solve their problem because thieves have nowhere else to sell the cats. On the mainland, thieves just have to drive across the state line if the state restricts sales. And sure enough, the thieves in your article and driving them out of CA to sell elsewhere.
Good news: Palladium's slide accelerates on prospects for surplus next year | Reuters Nov 10 (Reuters) - Palladium prices have tumbled to five-year lows below $1,000 an ounce this week, hastening a retreat triggered by expectations of surpluses due to the rapid spread of electric vehicles and automakers choosing cheaper platinum for their autocatalysts. Prices of the metal, used by automakers in engine exhausts to reduce emissions, have slumped 70% from all-time highs of $3,440.76 hit after Russia invaded Ukraine. . . . To all you gasoholics, you're welcome. Bob Wilson