Help! Our 2003 is showing the triangle of death on the dash, and on the display it has ps, check engine and red car with exclamation point. For the life of me I cannot see where the OBD port is. This happened once before but the code cleared itself (year or two ago) and never came back until now. Today DH went for a walk, and when he got into the car and started it, it came up. He drove it the short distance (one and a half miles) home, and by the time he got home the display was normal but the red triangle was still lit on the dash. He says the engine did NOT start the entire way and he was on battery all the way. We just went out and it started fine, engine sounding normal, but same lights as when it originally started. I want to have an idea of what is really going on before taking it to the dealer, but I first need to find where to plug the scanguage. Thanks for any help I can get.
The OBD-II port can be found under the dashboard, near the steering wheel column. You will need to get down there and look around until you find it. Good luck.
Thanks Patrick. I'm going to try to move the car today so I can open the door all the way and really get my head under there during the daylight and hopefully find it. In the 2008 it is perfectly obvious where it is, so I was hoping someone would tell me it has a cover or something and that is why I'm not finding it.