I have a Toyota Prius 2008 and my key fob has stopped opening and closing the doors. fob but does not open or start the car from a distance or close by. When I put the new battery into the fob, the red light doesn't turn on it doesn't flash when I press any of the three keys. I put the fob in and car doesn't start either. Everything were working fine yesterday, only thing I did was changed the new case for the FOB since old one was worn out. I thought I might broke something, but looking closely I don't see any marks, or chipped chip inside all of them looks intact. If this Fob is done then whats my options? Do I have to tow to dealer for new fob and reprogramming? There is a video on YT showing how you can do it but you have to have old working key to make a duplicate key, I dont know without the old key working if you can make another key.
No, the RFID chip's absence should not have any bearing on the red light. The red light indicates a signal is being transmitted from the remote lock/unlock transmitter on the circuit board. Check that there is no lint or foreign debris preventing the switch(es) from making good contact. Give them a good clean out with PCB cleaner and dry compressed air.
Thanks dolj I was able to put that RFID in my new case now car can start which I couldn't before, but key still not working it had dust and corrosion build on the board due to bad case, which I cleaned it and I think cleaning that cause to board to not work anymore.. So I found key locally for $40 and I'm going to progame it using YT's Video, without your info I wont able to do that. Thanks again! God bless you and your family!!!!!