In this recent article, if you live in Lancaster, CA one can get some awesome new EV car instant savings - If I did my math right $11K-$14.5 depending on your income level. Going all-electric | Local News |
I just google map searched, satellite view - it's all brown. And cost me a fortune to shift there. This is my city: I'll stay. Walking distance to Nissan, Mitsubishi, TOYOTA, BMW, GM, VW, KIA, Renault, Lexus, AUDI, Jaguar/LRover, Hyundai, Ford, Lotus and other dealerships.
Saw this ad few weeks ago and was hoping Palmdale, CA will do the same. But so far no incentives like this in Palmdale. When I bought my Prime I only got $450 from Edison and $500 from AVAQMD.
don't know what it is with Lancaster PA, but every one of my sister's kids, all 4, have moved back there. Leaving SoCal Sunshine .... sunshine even in our winters - for Frosty PA Winters. Burr. .
I grew up a couple hours north of there and have no plans of moving back. I was in Iowa earlier this week and it was 1 F there. They were talking about ice fishing already . Good reminder about how nice we have it on the best coast .
Well my parents moved from Philly to here about 36 years ago when i was around 8yo. At the time it was the most economical place to live and most small towns surrounded by Amish and Mennonite farmland. Very cheap! Welp, in those years that have passed, lots of those small towns have grown, roads and traffic are horrendous (at least for old town east coast suburbs, lol) and it has just grown into eastern coast urbia. Not that cheap anymore, but still economical. I think for air quality it is at the top of charts (bad charts) never really studied/checked/confirmed it tho We want to move far far away, sooner than later. But we still have the kiddies in school, oldest just started college, youngest just started kindergarten /facepalm) I think in a few years we will move north...possibly Maine to get away.... Still a great place to live and raise kids! the cold and snow is only half the year...the other half is hot and sweaty summers .... hahahaha
Ohh boy hehe. Well at least you made it to the northern half of the CA state (not a country yet?)! Honestly, FL is #1, CA is #2 of places I would never move to!
Reasons? When you can do whatever activities you want year round, I’d put it higher on the list. Florida is hot and humid (along with all of the gulf coast region), but California is hot for only a couple of months and no rain to impede activity planning for half of the year. I wouldn’t limit my options.
Oh I understand the perfect weather for everything. But I guess we both are allergic to people (did I just say that?) My main #1 reason is people and traffic. I like less densely populated areas. And Lanco PA is growing dense. CA and FL are already there. I understand just some parts, and many parts are not (like the boonies) In my town, there keep putting up more and more developments and more traffic lights, oh jeez. Also, we like the seasons. I love to shovel snow in the quiet moonlit night, until a snowplow passes and gives you more work, haha! Vit D supplement in the winter keeps us (somewhat) normal lol. I am just trying to balance the pre- retirement with the full retirement thoughts My mind sometimes (always?) drifts into dreaming. but I think northeast is where my soul likes it. There are some other places too (far east), but when all the kiddies are on their own. Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.... Have to take kiddies to school and then finish this 3rd Gen engine block heater install, ugg
I used to live an hour from Lancaster CA and now I’m an hour from Lancaster PA. There’s some sense in offering discounted cars in Lancaster CA. Safer to escape the town that way vs. walking.
Good to be able to give props whenever one can. Checking online, it doesn't look as bad as I recall compared from a decade ago. Murder - rape - robbery etc are all down, to the point that at least the murders are running nearly on par with national averages. Crime in Lancaster, California (CA): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, crime map Kind of creepy to say "not too bad", but considering desert communities are growing? if only because people can't afford to live in the better communities - hey - at least your solar will be cloud-free most days, which of course you'll need - for running your AC day & night all summer, as well as your electric car. Solar is a nice way to keep the cops from knowing you're running a meth lab way out there in the boonies too .
I'm guessing they couldn't afford to live in California and they found Lancaster PA better than Lancaster CA.
....and possibly the crime rates? BUT, there is only one state where you can get unlimited youtube supply of car chases, haha