In researching the HOV sticker (just put it on this morning) I just learned about this next step I should be taking this morning from a Tesla forum. So beyond the HOV sticker is an Express Lane system for south Florida where they send out a 'shield' to cover the back of the Sunpass sticker. Does the shield just stay on, or does it need removed for non-express lanes? Seems crazy that there isn't a better system - a different Sunpass perhaps - that would negate the use of some type of additional piece. If you have one, please tell me/us anything you know about it. I applied online this morning, but don't really know what the shield is all about. Thank you.
I had never heard of that, so I looked it up. If I read it right, you have to apply it for just the I95 HOV lanes and take it off for all other toll roads. If that's right, it must be a royal pain.
A better question might be - When is Florida going to finally get rid oftheir non-interoperable SunPass SunPass - Wikipedia and get with the 17 or so other states that use E-ZPass E-ZPass ?
two years ago, we stopped and asked about sun pass. they told us if we didn't get it, we wouldn't be able to drive the beeline. so far, they still take cash
Ahem. E-ZPass Accepted on Our Roads | Central Florida Expressway Authority
I just wish the sunpass/EZ pass would work in all states.. Real pain driving around and having to stop to pay tolls. I got spoiled with sunpass... m
in ma, they just bill you, no premium iirc. i think it was that way in fl too, when we missed a tollbooth
I've noticed that down here in So Fla "they" have gotten rid of the toll booths. I think they do the bill by plate thing now.. mitch
Then, it all may be a mute point. I forgot, but supposedly the HOV extension was to end in September. I cannot find any news of it being renewed, even though I just received a sticker for it. "The exemption has been extended to Sept. 30, 2019."
And the plot thickens. I am only just learning that Florida is doing away with HOV lanes, and making them all pay-to-use Express lanes. I'm not happy about that since it was part of why I bought a hybrid. Nonetheless, I called up the South Florida Commuter services to ask a few things. They, too, know nothing about the program ending. But they also don't know about the program extending. All they seem to know is that they continue to show up to work, and continue to issue 'shields.' The program is still going on, but they don't know for how long. It was supposed to end on Sept. 30th, but nobody did anything to actually end the program. So we're in a state of limbo it seems. How weird is that?